I’m running the latest version of WP and NextGEN. I deleted, redownloaded, and reinstalled the NextGEN Plus plugin, to no avail.
As of now, I’ve had to revert to the basic slideshows to keep my website displaying galleries.
It seems like there’s some overall problems with almost everything NextGEN at the moment, so I’m assuming that there will be some sort of fix soon. But, in case there isn’t, is there any other guidance?
]]>Despite being a good interface and able to create webp files fairly easily this plugin fails in doing the most important thing! Making the webp image files smaller than their Jpeg counterparts.
I honestly can’t figure out what it is they doing wrong, but if your already using NexGen Pro to compress your file sizes then then there is no point in using imagify because it will literally make the files larger!!! Yes, they make smaller files into larger files! And their interface lies and says its reduced the file size… but when you really check the file sizes on the sever you can clearly see its not working!!!
Despite getting a reply from their tech support they didn’t answer my question about this and instead just gave me some plugin to Prevents WebP conversion if larger than original format image.
Which again is useless? Because now it doesn’t make Webp files at all…
Frankly i’m better off just compressing the files myself in Photoshop and then running a webp script then using their paid services. Even with my limited understanding of coding i can make the webp files smaller than these so called professional services.
]]>I’m running NextGen Gallery and NextGen Plus in WordPress, all latest updates as of this writing.
I’m noticing the following error in XDebug and php error logs:
PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant NGG_PRO_PLUGIN_VERSION – assumed ‘NGG_PRO_PLUGIN_VERSION’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /Users/wmallick/Code/SSSM/html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery-plus/product.photocrati_nextgen_pro.php on line 91
In file wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery-plus/product.photocrati_nextgen_pro.php at line 78 (as of this writing)
function define($id = 'pope-product',
$name = 'Pope Product',
$description = '',
$version = '',
$uri = '',
$author = '',
$author_uri = '',
$context = FALSE)
'NextGEN Pro',
'NextGEN Pro',
$this->get_registry()->set_product_module_path($this->module_id, dirname(__FILE__));
C_Photocrati_Installer::add_handler($this->module_id, 'C_NextGen_Pro_Installer');
Line 91, the fourth argument presented to method \P_Photocrati_NextGen_Pro::define()
which is not defined.
It seems possibly the argument should be NGG_PLUS_PLUGIN_VERSION
, but I haven’t thoroughly reviewed the code. NGG_PLUS_PLUGIN_VERSION is defined in the constructor of class NextGen_Plus.
To clarify versions:
NextGEN Gallery
Version 3.2.23
NextGEN Plus
Version 1.6.22
Version 5.3.2
PHP Version: 7.3.11
]]>I’m using NextGen Plus with the Pro Lightbox, and the icons (such as “x” in the upper right hand corner, left and right arrow, and info and Play|Pause icons) in the Pro Lightbox do not display when NextGen Optimizer is activated. If I deactivate they return.
I’m using NextGen on these pages:
Any idea how to fix this?
]]>WordPress Version 4.5.2
I’m using a recent version of NextGEN Plus
NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati Version 2.1.31
NextGEN Plus by Photocrati Version 1.3.14
It would be great if its my fault somehow, but if so, please help set me straight.
After installing Nextgen Plus I’m unable to login to my WordPress Website, and when trying to visit the site I get a ‘fatal error’ message saying ‘Fatal error: Call to undefined method C_Component_Registry::is_module_loaded() in /home2/sully/public_html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery-plus/ngg-plus.php on line 146’
You can visit this page at https://www.antsullivan.com
I can’t remember what version of WordPress I was using – it was definitely not up to date, but I can no longer log back in to find out what version it was.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
Recently I have encountered with this problem:
I have three page builder rows in one of my pages. Each row has a visual editor widget which respectively has a nextgen gallery. You can see all pictures (previews) correct. However, if you press a picture to see an enlarged copy in a lightbox, a wrong picture appears if I press a preview in the upper two rows – a picture from the lowest row appears. Please check this on thes page:
This is very important to me as this is the core of my business – to show cool picture to the potential customers.
The problem is universal as long as there are several rows with different nextgen galleries on one page. Even the news dynamic page which combines several posts show only the lowest gallery pictures in the lightbox regardless of the pic you press.
PLEASE HELP!!! Nextgen claims it is not their fault.
Regards, Fiorita