My new issue with NextGEN Gallery is visible here :
For one year, I didn’t have any problem with the NextGEN Gallery widget. Now, I can no more set the widget with “All galleries” (or even “Only which are not listed”).
The only setting which seems indeed to work is “Only which are listed” with some galleries indicated. My website counts nearly 163 galleries and thousands of pictures so I can hear that it’s huge. I’ve desactived all the other plugins with no success. I have another website with far more less galleries and it works. So I fear that above a certain number of galleries or pictures, the widget can’t handle the picking of “random” or “recent added” pictures.
Best regards.
]]>Can anyone help?
]]>I’ve added a field “link”, and try to display it in the ngg widget.
But from what I can see, the widget is build using js, and loading data through json. And the json seems to have no information on custom field, only about standard field.
I’ve spend one more hour searching and trying stuff before posting, and I’ve get get thing together. It’s dirty crap, but it’s getting the job done.
In order to get get my custom data in the json, I’ve add an outer join to the get_gallery function, in ngg_db.php, which get data from custom field and concat everything. I end up with `SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS tt.*, t.*,, l.field_value AS link
FROM $wpdb->nggallery AS t
INNER JOIN $wpdb->nggpictures AS tt
ON t.gid = tt.galleryid
LEFT OUTER JOIN “.$pre.”nggcf_field_values AS l
ON =
WHERE t.gid = %d {$exclude_clause}
ORDER BY tt.{$order_by} {$order_dir} {$limit_by}”`. I’m pretty sure thing will simply break if I add a second custom field, but right now, thing work.
“Automate jQuery Colorbox for all other images:
Automatically add colorbox-class to all images that are not in posts and pages (e.g. the sidebar).”
It seems like this problem developed after installing WordPress 3.2 =(.
]]>any ideas would be great. Thanks.
]]>Since they are in different libraries there is no easy way to do it. Unless I duplicate the images.
So an option to select images based on a tag would be great in the widget.
Anyone been looking for the same / done something similar ?
]]>in IE8 it dosnt, i tried to turn off and on the “NEXGEN widget” config from “activate IE8 Web Slices” and “deactivate IE8 Web Slices”, but the issue remain the same..
the issue remain the same, when im clicking on the picture, it open in a IE8 tab..
]]>Does anyone know of another effect that will support video using the nextgen-gallery plug-in? OR a way to fix the shadowbox nextgen widget issue?
Thanks in advance!
]]>My problem is when i activate the plugin ‘NextGEN Gallery Widget’ (1.2.2) it overtakes the items on the right hand side of my page;
So i have to disable it. But i like it and wont to use it, i just cant seem to work out how to MOVE the gallery/slideshow it produces so as it doesnt over-ride my sites menu stuff; Like the date and pages etc. They seem to disappear when i activate the widget as it over rides them on the rhs of my site.
I would like to know how to either make the widget appear on the left hand side of my page, or else how i can make it not replace the menu items and pages on my sidebar. I have investigated changing the sidebar on the theme i am using, but either side it still masks the normal sidebar info of pages and dates etc
Thanks for any help.
(update) I leave the plugin activated so you may see what i mean, has no way to navigate when the sidebar info has gone..
But if i disable the widget plugin the menus come back.
Thanks for any help or suggestions in making the widget work without hiding my themes/sites nav menus.