if(is_object($displayed_gallery) && isset($displayed_gallery->container_ids)) {
if(count($displayed_gallery->container_ids) == 1 && is_numeric($displayed_gallery->container_ids[0])) {
$gid = $displayed_gallery->container_ids[0];
<?php echo nggcf_get_gallery_field($gid, "Your Gallery Field Name"); ?>
— It’s not a matter of deleting the cache.
— I don’t think it’s a matter of not using the right template because it’s a custom template and I see the other changes I’m making.
— I do get an echo’d result if I put in a regular
<p><?php echo $gallery->ID; ?></p>
— But not if it is used in the nggcf_get_gallery_field tag.
— Also do not get a result if I try:
<p><?php echo $gid; ?></p>
Here is my custom gallery template’s full php:
Template Page for the gallery overview
Follow variables are useable :
$gallery : Contain all about the gallery
$images : Contain all images, path, title
$pagination : Contain the pagination content
You can check the content when you insert the tag <?php var_dump($variable) ?>
If you would like to show the timestamp of the image ,you can use <?php echo $exif['created_timestamp'] ?>
<?php if (!defined ('ABSPATH')) die ('No direct access allowed'); ?><?php if (!empty ($gallery)) : ?>
<h2 class="gallery-title"><?php echo $gallery->title ?></h2>
<?php //** Suggested additional code from Shauno (plugin author) **// ?>
if(is_object($displayed_gallery) && isset($displayed_gallery->container_ids)) {
if(count($displayed_gallery->container_ids) == 1 && is_numeric($displayed_gallery->container_ids[0])) {
$gid = $displayed_gallery->container_ids[0];
<?php //** Here are the test echos **// ?>
Echo Result of $gid:
<?php echo $gid; ?><br>
Echo Result of $gallery->ID:
<?php echo $gallery->ID; ?><br>
Echo Result using Original $gallery->ID method:
<?php echo nggcf_get_gallery_field($gallery->ID, "eflmgallerylink"); ?><br>
Echo Result using $gid method:
<?php echo nggcf_get_gallery_field($gid, "eflmgallerylink"); ?></p>
<div class="ngg-mandf-galleryoverview" id="<?php echo $gallery->anchor ?>">
<?php if ($gallery->show_slideshow) { ?>
<!-- Slideshow link -->
<div class="slideshowlink">
<a class="slideshowlink" href="<?php echo nextgen_esc_url($gallery->slideshow_link) ?>">
<?php echo $gallery->slideshow_link_text ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($gallery->show_piclens) { ?>
<!-- Piclense link -->
<div class="piclenselink">
<a class="piclenselink" href="<?php echo nextgen_esc_url($gallery->piclens_link) ?>">
<?php _e('[View with PicLens]','nggallery'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!-- Thumbnails -->
<?php $i = 0; ?>
<?php foreach ( $images as $image ) : ?>
<div id="ngg-image-<?php echo $image->pid ?>" class="ngg-mandf-gallery-thumbnail-box" <?php echo $image->style ?> >
<div class="ngg-mandf-gallery-thumbnail" >
<a href="<?php echo nextgen_esc_url($image->imageURL) ?>"
title="<?php echo esc_attr($image->description) ?>"
data-src="<?php echo nextgen_esc_url($image->imageURL); ?>"
data-thumbnail="<?php echo nextgen_esc_url($image->thumbnailURL); ?>"
data-image-id="<?php echo esc_attr($image->pid); ?>"
data-title="<?php echo esc_attr($image->alttext); ?>"
data-description="<?php echo esc_attr($image->description); ?>"
<?php echo $image->thumbcode ?> >
<?php if ( !$image->hidden ) { ?>
<img alt="<?php echo esc_attr($image->alttext) ?>" src="<?php echo nextgen_esc_url($image->thumbnailURL) ?>" <?php echo $image->size ?> />
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( $image->hidden ) continue; ?>
<?php if ($gallery->columns > 0): ?>
<?php if ((($i + 1) % $gallery->columns) == 0 ): ?>
<br style="clear: both" />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $i++; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- Pagination -->
<?php echo $pagination ?>
<?php endif; ?>
]]>In order to make images into hyperlinks, what code needs to be added where in version 2.0.66?
]]><?php echo do_shortcode( '[ngg-nivoslider gallery="1" html_id="front-slider" width="960" height="450" caption="both" htmlcaption="#more" effect="fade" directionNav="true" controlNav="true" pauseTime="8000" animSpeed="1000"]' ); ?>
Then I tried pulling the ngg-customfield inside the htmlcaption:
<div id="more">
if($linkval !='')
echo "<a href=\"" . $linkval . "\">";
but no cigar.
Is there a way to make this logic work? What I’m trying to achieve is the “more” button linking to its single product page, like this site.
Any help would be most appreciated.
]]><?php echo do_shortcode( '[ngg-nivoslider gallery="1" html_id="front-slider" width="960" height="450" caption="both" htmlcaption="#more" effect="fade" directionNav="true" controlNav="true" pauseTime="8000" animSpeed="1000"]' ); ?>
Then I tried pulling the nggcf inside the htmlcaption:
<div id="more">
if($linkval !='')
echo "<a href=\"" . $linkval . "\">";
but no cigar.
Is there a way to make this logic work? What I’m trying to achieve is the “more” button linking to its single product page, like this site.
Any help would be most appreciated.
]]>Please give a hand to this plugin author so we can enjoy both plugins.
quoted from the other plugin forum
“I think NGG 2.0.57 has changed or removed the ‘hook’ I use to show the settings in the gallery backend.”
]]>There are some minor things to correct like Notices for example. I would – and I’m sure other developers too – help if you like.
]]>Also, when an image in this gallery is clicked, a lightbox appears containing the image category, image name, image picture, image description, a link that can direct user to an order page, and a sharing plugin for social networking sites. This image gallery can contain up to a maximum of 10 images, however I only want to display at least 5 images in the page and have the rest loaded via ajax when the next button is pressed. I thought of two implementations for this:
Implementation A:
Here, I’ll use the Participant Database plugin so I can put everything together. I’ll just manipulate the database via the dashboard so when I clicked Category A, all products of category will already appear as a thumbnail gallery. Through ajax, I’ll access participants database and then load every info when the image is clicked. A lightbox implemented via jquery.colorbox() will then appear.
Problem: for the thumbnail gallery, how do I go on dividing the images to display the first 5, and then load the next batch via ajax?
Implementation B:
Here, I’ll use the nextgen gallery. Instead of using participants database, I’ll use the albums in the nextgen plugin to store all information. I may need the custom fields plugin to store the other info.
Problem: should I use the built in lightbox effect of nextgen, call jquery.colorbox(), or use another lightbox plugin to implement with nextgen thumbnail gallery? When I choose to create custom js, is there a hack where I can put an onclick event when an image is clicked?
Can you please help me guys on the workaround here?
]]>I need a way to split out the two sections into two table rows – the original fields provided by next gen, and then another row with the 18 columns of my custom fields.
I can’t figure out how to split it apart. Nextgen has a “print_column_header” section (manage-images.php/line 375) that must be where I need to take out my custom fields, but I’m unfamiliar with the parameters of this command, and I can’t figure it out.
Any ideas?
]]>I know how to display it in the gallery under the thumbs but not when the picture is opened.
Any hints please?
Best Regards