I am using Next Gen Pro plug-in for my Gallery images and was trying to tweak some of my settings for faster loading of my images on my site. When I try to save any changes eg. under Other Options or Gallery Settings, I get: “TypeError thrown
Argument 1 passed to iterator_to_array() must implement interface Traversable, null given”
I have NO IDEA what this means. I have updated my plugins prior to this happening. I am running WordPress 5.5. I cleared my Chrome browser cache and re-booted my IMAC but to no effect.
Can anyone suggest what I can do? (Please understand I am NOT an IT guru, I have limited knowledge of running a web site, dashboard etc, so I need very specific instructions so they are easy to follow – lol!)
Much thanks in anticipation,
Cheers, Irene
I am assuming that somehow html files are written on the fly with nextgen, and hopefully it is possible to add some keywords to the html.
Just so you are clear, here is an example of the top part of the html of a file to help make it more clear, where I want a plugin or some software code, to automatically strip the exif keyword meta data and put it in here:
<TITLE>Palm Springs Photographer, and palms, coachella, thermal, coachella valley, california</TITLE>
<META NAME=”description”
CONTENT=”photobooth, “>
<META NAME=”keywords”
CONTENT=”photobooth palm desert, photobooth rancho mirage, photobooth, ….. etc (NEXTGEN, THIS IS WHERE I WANT THE EXIF KEYWORD DATA PLACED)
I have tried 4 other stock photography plugins and
]]>In Next Gen, it appears that you can only have title/alt text (first field in the manage gallery page) and a description (second field). Not sure which field Next Gen is calling the caption.
At any rate, many of the end users of the site are using screen readers, so for accessabilty we need to have title be different from alt text be different from caption be different from long description, just as in the WP native gallery.
We’re not using short codes, since the latest version of Next Gen Pro says you don’t have to. So what might be the hack to get the result we need?
Similar questions have been asked, but none have addressed accessability requirements.
not defined for ExtensibleObject
which was site wide, i then had to log in to the ftp and disable the next gen plugins from there to gain access again.
I have spoken to support and they have a “patch” to fix it, which doesn’t work on my site apparently.
This morning I have reinstalled the plugins after completely deleting them (but not my galleries) and now I can see all the galleries correctly in the editor, but they still do not appear on the website. I can however add a basic thumbnail gallery which does work on the website, however it completely ruins the site design – and I’ve paid for the plugin purely to get the gallery type we were using.
Does anyone have an idea why the galleries would not be displaying on the site (have tried different machines and browsers just in case…)?
Biggest issue is that the new site needs to be live asap as we are getting published in a magazine today, the longer we don’t have the images the more the time taken to build a new site is wasted!
I can’t believe something like changing the site address can have such a catastrophic effect on this plugin – surely it’s very common to have a new wordpress site built on a subdomain?