]]>I use your plugin on my multisite, because it of its simplicity & its very effective. The one thing I’ve noticed though, is that your code overrides the new user email template as well.
I was hoping that it could instead just toggle the email to be sent or not, but looking through your code, it actually overwrites the new user template:
In file: pluggable-functions-1.2.php
Function: fa_new_user_notification_to_user
So I have a new user template that I use, but your plugin is overriding it, because you’ve specified what the template content should be, in this function.
There’s also no filters here (where I can change priority etc.), so I can’t control the order of events.
Anyways, when you get some time – it would be great if you could see what’s happening here.
Cheers for a great plugin!
I’ve been using your Better Notifications for WordPress Version 1.5.3 plugin and it’s really great.
But the New User Registration emails are not sent to the users when I add them through Import Users from CSV. The admin emails are sent. Instead of importing, if I add a user manually both the user and the admin emails are sent.
The New User – Post-Registration emails are sent when I do an import. But you don’t support the [password_url] shortcode in that Notification. That’s something I’d really like to include.
I deactivated all my plugins except BNFW, Import Users from CSV, and Postman SMTP (which logs outgoing email activity so I know if an email was sent).
If I deactivate BNFW then both the user and the admin receive the default WP unfriendly emails. But if I activate your plugin the user email is not sent at all. The admin html email is sent beautifully.
Do you have any suggestions on how I can get this to work?
]]>Any ideas? Everything else is working correctly, that I know of. The password entered by the user still works, it is the incorrect %user_pass% in the email that is confusing people.
]]>If we email the user with the login address they can ask for & receive a password reset link, but we don’t want to have to do this for every new user – WordPress should be sending the new user out an email
I’ve seen a lot about this for older versions of WordPress, but non of it seems to be resolved.
I’m pretty sure it’s not the hosting as the websites are hosted with different companies
There’s one site – hosted with godaddy – where the user doesn’t get the password reset link email too. I suspect this is a problem with godaddy or the email configuration which are outside of my control, but any pointers would be useful
]]>See the log file below. I’m not sure where this goes wrong??
LOG ENTRY: Fri Nov 27th, 2015 @ precisely 12:09 pm UTC
PHP v5.4.45-0+deb7u2 :: WordPress v4.3.1 :: s2Member v150925
Memory 39.34 MB :: Real Memory 40.00 MB :: Peak Memory 39.38 MB :: Real Peak Memory 40.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36
[user_id] => 871
[password] =>
[pagenow] => wp-login.php
[email_config] => 1
[processed] => yes
[user] => WP_User Object
[data] => stdClass Object
[ID] => 871
[user_login] => rik
[user_pass] => $P$BJXakECh7nwcgb4T0oSdz77kBWWHFh/1
[user_nicename] => rik
[user_email] => [email protected]
[user_url] =>
[user_registered] => 2015-11-27 12:09:00
[user_activation_key] =>
[user_status] => 0
[display_name] => rik
[ID] => 871
[caps] => Array
[subscriber] => 1
[cap_key] => xel_std_wp3_0_capabilities
[roles] => Array
[0] => subscriber
[allcaps] => Array
[read] => 1
[level_0] => 1
[access_s2member_level0] => 1
[subscriber] => 1
[filter] =>
[_pmr] => Array
[user_login] => rik
[user_email] => [email protected]
[ws_plugin__s2member_registration] => 53ef5deded
[ws_plugin__s2member_custom_reg_field_user_pass1] => XXXXXXXXXXXXPASSWORD
[ws_plugin__s2member_custom_reg_field_user_pass2] => XXXXXXXXXXXXPASSWORD
[O-pFS-FF-N-QN-S-Mv] => JehIJYG9_5QAwOC4zoEjrUZUWUVBp2c00oCO00qaSEnSJ3FtaPdJ6DW_iOkv4-QdOkYOlbYEHQcji60CdTcTI1vwPBxPacFHTWJPsIWh2eS_FbWZrRKI6JDLx-C2l1e-yMqwga0ZBhVLSUlxKVqlpg55o4yr3x2F
[redirect_to] =>
[wp-submit] => Registreren
[tYT-qVMSAe-H-PX-gN-n] => 1366768521276.1537.3646.0.2490.86
[custom_reg_display_name] => full
[reg_cookies] =>
[current_role] => subscriber
[role] => subscriber
[level] => 0
[ccaps] =>
[email] => [email protected]
[login] => rik
[ip] =>
[custom] =>
[subscr_id] =>
[subscr_baid] =>
[subscr_cid] =>
[subscr_gateway] =>
[cv] => Array
[0] =>
[eot] =>
[auto_eot_time] =>
[notes] =>
[opt_in] =>
[fname] =>
[lname] =>
[name] =>
[fields] => Array
[_COOKIE] => Array
[wp-settings-1] => libraryContent=browse&editor=html&align=center&imgsize=full&urlbutton=none&wplink=1&advImgDetails=show
[wp-settings-time-1] => 1442074499
[wp-settings-time-850] => 1448573126
[PHPSESSID] => u9qD8zuyUtKVGT6u-,QnEK,JCgc
[wordpress_logged_in_ce98810486b68df071378c048438a142] => admin|1448795038|tP8BovgY6RfLbRORWBnZZd8taIbZh1j3mmU0fyROZQ9|29b24c3486bf574348acc48a9afaf814b3788b42c85ee7c8f26e04a09de5fb5b
[_ga] => GA1.2.697415137.1435422161
[__utma] => 115380756.697415137.1435422161.1448573073.1448622157.38
[__utmc] => 115380756
[__utmz] => 115380756.1443514598.22.8.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not provided)
[wordpress_test_cookie] => WP Cookie check
]]>Two separate WP 4.3.1 installations – a new user account on each – both users do not receive the new user email.
Deactivated plugins, and issue remains.
]]>When creating a new user in 4.3, WordPress sends the user an email with a link to reset their password (or create their first one – I assumed). Instead the link takes me to the password reset page, which asks for my username.
upon submitting it, I receive an email with a link to reset my password. That link takes me back to the page that asks for my username and send me a new link.
This loop continues over and over.
]]>We have a user registration page which we need to have the contents emailed to the WP admin email. Can you help with that and the following issues please?
1.The custom registration form fields are not showing in the backend profile (but are in the front end)
2. The activation link in the admin ‘new user’ email is not activating users when clicked (although that’s a side issue as we can manually activate if needs be)
3. The wordpress default new user email is not being overwritten with the UMP email (which has additional fields in)
Any and all assistance will be appreciated.
Many thanks
]]>The last few weeks, I’ve been doing this as usual, but new users are consistently reporting that they are NOT getting the new user email with their username & pw.
Other mail is sending from the network and sites just fine — comment notifications, backup errors, etc. — so PHPmail is working.
I suppose my next step is to try going back to the Confirmation Emails, but I would appreciate it if anyone knows why this changed, and what I might do about it.