Also, I don’t like the block editor in WordPress and I do not use it. I enabled it for the sake of creating the Newsletter sign-up form and then went back to using the classic editor. Is there another way to create and modify this same form using the classic editor?
Lastly, what is the best way to get support? I tried going through the creative mail dashboard but could not find a working means of receiving support.
Thank you. I think Creative Mail looks like a promising solution for me. I did not take to MailChimp at all. I found it unintuitive and clunky. I will subscribe to CreativeMail once I work these things out.
I’ve installed Mailpoet v3 with Mailpoet Premium. Currently on the Free <1000 plan. I uploaded a CSV with our Jilt contacts and sent a newsletter successfully. I then tried to clean up the Mailpoet list by deleting the bounces. They go to Trash, but I can’t empty the Trash. The deleted users are NOT WordPress users as they are fake emails that never bought anything.
Secondly, I noted a few typos, and moved those to Trash. I then used the Add option to create new subscriber records for the corrections, and they show as saved, but do not appear in the subscriber list.
Any suggestions welcome.
]]>I usually figure things out, but I have 2 serious issues that I would like to resolve.
The first is with the mailpoet notification emails to the admin when someone subscribes. My issue is that I want to add first name and last name to the email, so that the admin receiving the email knows who registered, instead of having a sometimes obscure email address and having to ask someone to go and look into the database to get to know the name. I could add the first and last name with ftp, but I need to know where to do these changes and also how I can tag first and last name.
Secondly, our use of mailpoet is very customer oriented, so I also want to delete any mention of the “WordPress users” list in emails sent to customers. If they subscribe to a list, they are automatically notified that they are added to a wordpress user list. This is very confusing for customers, since they do not know what this is. I could take that out, but then there is no way to notify them of which list they just subscribed to. Is there any way to take the mentioning of this list out of the emails?
I would really appreciate an answer to my questions, because I saw that many people asked the same questions before and they were never answered.
Thank you very much and I really like your plugin a lot aside from these two things!
]]>I would like to know if it is possible to override the mail template newSubscriberNotification.html
Thanks in advance
]]>On that page, it shows that WooCommerce is calling:
which also calls:
Is that really the place where WC is adding the user to WordPress user table?
If so, can you easily call “a custom script”, to run right after wp_inser_user()…
to insert the same user into another WordPress install?
Has anyone done that?
Would that cause any type of problem?
]]>I would like to know if it is possible to send a notification to a specific e-mail when there is a new subscriber with the plugin Newsletter ?
I installed Newsletter on a website and I don’t find how I can do it.
Best regards,
]]>Can someone help me?