The only paid members that recorded correctly are the members that paid with a credit card. Can you let me know how I can resolve this?
]]>why do this? is a publication, aka, the content. is a subscription, aka, the payment processing.
I can see other benefits for doing this, but need to have the registration process on WP2 and the member’s login, already be inserted on WP1 (obviously, don’t need to have a member sign up twice).
So my question is how to atomically, programmatically accomplish this task, without causing problems.
— a type of sync?
— just execute a script after WP1 completed registration?
— pass info from WP1 to WP2?
your thoughts, advice…
[bpps_profile_lists list_type=”members” members_sort=”newest” per_page=”4″ option=”avatar-grid-name”]
If so, it’s not working for me. Help! Thanks.
]]>My client would like for registering new members to pay an open donation amount instead of a recurring payment. One payment that would be entirely up to them, register as a new member and then redirected back to the site after registration.
This functionality wasn’t available a few years ago and I was told to create a button through PayPal but then the users wouldn’t go through the registration process. Is there a way to do this now?
Thanks for your help!
]]>Is there a way for a visitor to register, log in and create a new post from the website itself ..without having to use WordPress interface (maybe just a simple form to submit new posts that only logged in members can see? new posts have to be pending ofcourse so that admin might moderate them).
Thank you for any possible help.