I have tried to run the debugger as well to disable all other plugins, same issue.
System Status Log:
Gravity Forms
Version: 2.7.7 ✔
Upload folder: /home/xxx/public_html/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/
Upload folder permissions: Writable ✔
Output CSS: Yes
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GP Disable Entry Creation: by Gravity Wiz, Richard Wawrzyniak - 2.0.2 ✔
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GP Google Sheets: by Gravity Wiz - 1.0-beta-1.9 ✔
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GP Nested Forms: by Gravity Wiz - 1.1.26 ✔
GP Populate Anything: by Gravity Wiz - 1.2.56 ✔
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Mailchimp: by Gravity Forms - 5.2.0 ✔
PayPal Checkout: by Gravity Forms - 2.5 ✔
reCAPTCHA: by Gravity Forms - 1.1 ✔
Signature: by Gravity Forms - 4.4 ✔
User Registration: by Gravity Forms - 5.1 ✔
GravityView: by <a >GravityKit</a> - 2.17.8 ✔
GravityView - DataTables Extension: by <a >The GravityKit Team</a> - 3.1.2 ✔
GravityView - Multiple Forms: by <a >GravityKit</a> - 0.3.4 ✔
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GravityActions: by <a >GravityKit</a> - 1.3.2 ✔
Gravity PDF: by Blue Liquid Designs - 6.5.5 ✔
Database Version: 2.7.7 ✔ Your database is up-to-date.
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Site Locale: en_US
User (ID: 1) Locale: en_US
Gravity Forms:
Scheduled (Cron) Events Log
gravityforms_cron: 2023-06-01 09:43:29
gravityforms_cron: 2023-05-31 09:43:02
gravityforms_cron: 2023-05-30 09:46:35
Gravity PDF - PHP
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Gravity PDF - Directories and Permissions
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Gravity PDF - Global Settings
PDF Entry List Action: Download
Background Processing: No
Debug Mode: No
Gravity PDF - Security Settings
User Restrictions: gravityforms_view_entries, edit_pages
Logged Out Timeout: 20 minutes(s)
Home URL: https://xxx
Site URL: https://xxx
REST API Base URL: https://xxx/wp-json/
WordPress Version: 6.2.2 ✔
WordPress Multisite: No
WordPress Memory Limit: 40M
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Background tasks: No ? cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 2001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Active Theme
MinimalistBlogger: by themeeverest - 109.2 ✔
Active Plugins
Admin Menu Editor Pro: by Janis Elsts - 2.19.3 ✔
Advanced Custom Fields: by WP Engine - 6.1.6 ✔
Bookly: by Bookly - 21.8 ✔
Bookly Advanced Google Calendar (Add-on): by Bookly - 2.5 ✔
Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on): by Bookly - 3.6 ✔
Bookly PayPal Checkout (Add-on): by Bookly - 2.1 ✔
Bookly Pro (Add-on): by Bookly - 6.3 ✔
Bookly Service Schedule (Add-on): by Bookly - 3.3 ✔
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Code Snippets: by Code Snippets Pro - 3.4.0 ✔
Countdown Timer Ultimate: by WP OnlineSupport, Essential Plugin - 2.4 ✔
Disable User Login: by Saint Systems - 1.3.3 ✔
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GP Conditional Pricing: by Gravity Wiz - 1.4.6 ✔
GP Copy Cat: by Gravity Wiz - 1.4.63 ✔
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GP Read Only: by Gravity Wiz - 1.9.15 ✔
GravityEdit: by GravityKit - 2.0 ✔
Gravity Forms All Fields Template: by Gravity Wiz - 0.9.15 ✔
Gravity Forms Custom Javascript: by Gravity Wiz - 1.6.1 ✔
Gravity Forms Debug Add-On: by rocketgenius - 1.0.beta12 ✔
Gravity Forms — Format Date Merge Tags: by Gravity Wiz - 0.2 ✔
GravityImport: by GravityKit - 2.4.7 ✔
GravityMath: by GravityKit - 2.3.2 ✔
Gravity Perks: by Gravity Wiz - 2.3 ✔
GravityView: by GravityKit - 2.17.8 ✔
GravityView - Advanced Filter Extension: by GravityKit - 2.2 ✔
GravityView - DataTables Extension: by The GravityKit Team - 3.1.2 ✔
GravityView - DIY Layout: by GravityView - 2.4 ✔
GravityView - Multiple Forms: by GravityKit - 0.3.4 ✔
GravityWP - Count: by GravityWP - 0.9.9 ✔
Health Check & Troubleshooting: by The www.remarpro.com community - 1.6.0 ✔
Members: by MemberPress - 3.2.5 ✔
Mmm Simple File List: by Adam Bissonnette - 2.3 ✔
Nextend Social Login: by Nextendweb - 3.1.8 ✔
Nextend Social Login Pro Addon: by Nextendweb - 3.1.8 ✔
PDF Builder for WPForms: by RedNao - 1.2.59 ✔
Private Google Calendars: by Michiel van Eerd - 20230111 ✔
Simple Custom CSS: by John Regan - 4.0.6 ✔
WP Mail SMTP Pro: by WP Mail SMTP - 3.8.0 ✔
Web Server
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Port: 443
Document Root: /home/xxxpublic_html
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Database Server
Database Management System: MySQL
Version: 5.7.42 ✔
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Date and Time
WordPress (Local) Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
MySQL (UTC): 2023-06-01 22:11:49
MySQL (Local): June 1, 2023 at 3:11 pm
PHP (UTC): 2023-06-01 22:11:49
PHP (Local): June 1, 2023 at 3:11 pm
]]>I need a member area in which every user can add a form and edit it
Every member can edit many forms.
As admin I created a new form (profile form type) and add the shortcode into a page
As member I can visualize this page, I can compile the form (role: author), but when I save the page, it doesn’t work. The SAVE button becames dimmed
What’s wrong ?
]]>How best to show that custom post so I could use it?
]]>I am getting blank with no ID or title when I create a new form (https://take.ms/42zP2).
I am unable to edit this as well.
Let me know if anyone can help!
]]>How to escape the BUG ?, temporarily deactivate the WpBakery plugin and create the new forms that you need. After doing this you can activate it again because the BUG only occurs when trying to create new forms.
Version of Contact Form 7: I believe in all of them.
WPBakery Page Builder: Version 5.5.4, possibly in all as well.
This BUG is a compatibility problem between the two plugins.
]]>Is this possible at all? And if ‘yes’ how could it be done?
I searched high and low and tried a lot but cannot figure out it.
Thanks for any help or pointing in the right direction.
Kind regards, Dave
]]>Testing the plugin I ran into a serious problem. I couldn’t update the option panel, section create new form. Everytime I contsructed my own form and then clicked the “save” button the spnner started to spin and did not stop spinning. Nothing was saved. I tried it several times without any result.
Never encountered such a problem! It’s obvious one cannot use the plugin in that way.
Hope you have a solution.
Kind regards,