We are wondering if it is possible to add custom fields to this Addin and if it can also store Chinese Character for reference.
Kind regards,
While adding new fields to the form in the attached links, the form doesn’t save an instead redirects to a 404 Error page.
The URL of the error page looks like: https://wholachypay.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cp_calculated_fields_form&cal=6&r=0.7245725071166239&_cpcff_nonce=4b008b3da9
Before this, I added the same fields to a different form and it worked perfectly well. It’s just this form.
I cloned it and tried saving it, same error.
I’m not sure if the number of fields are too many (currently up to fieldname102) or if something else is responsible.
Also, if I visit the form directly (https://wholachypay.com/?cff-form=6), it works… It also still works on the main page on which I’m using it (https://wholachypay.com/apply/).
It’s just that these new fields are not saving on this specific form, whereas they got saved on another form.
Please what should I do?
]]>Fields i want to add :
tax number
identification number
second terms and conditons page (i have 2 page)
pls help me adding the right code
We added some new fields to the event, as custom taxonomie, as you suggested.
We use this code to add the new fields to the search moule, but the view of these new fields are different, however, we expect similar view and behaiour, like in case of the categories and types (Divi child/wp-event-manger/event-filters.php :
event_manager_dropdown_selection( array( ‘value’=>’slug’, ‘taxonomy’ => ‘event_listing_method’, ‘hierarchical’ => 1, ‘show_option_all’ => __( ‘Any method’, ‘divi-child’ ), ‘name’ => ‘filter_by_method’, ‘orderby’ => ‘name’, ‘selected’ => $selected_method, ‘multiple’ => true, ‘hide_empty’ => false) );
Would you be so kind as to check, waht is wrong?
Thank you very much!
]]>Is it possible to use the Date taken + Date modified EXIF fields?
]]>It can display the title, the image, and the description from opengraph metas, but how to add a new field?
For example, if i have the article:author meta, how can i show it through content cards?
Confirm email,
confirm password
From the woocommerse defaults i see just the email field for new user register section. Is there a way of adding these fields to register section?
Thanks in advance.