Now i’m trying to do something a bit more tricky: to populate some custom fields and publish a post, the simple fields like text were no issue, but the only image i’m able to succefully populate is the Featured Image, is there a way to do this?
One of the Custom Fields is an image_advanced field ( which lets the user upload up to 6 images.
I created a File Upload field in forminator and linked it to the Custom field ID, but it doesn’t populate the fields with images, only the plain URL.
I’ve seen a lot of post where you fix this with shortcodes in the mu-plugin folder, but i believe that it was for a single image field, is there a way to do it for a multiple images field?
I’ve uploaded the json generated in forminator and the snippet that i tried to modifie from a previous post:
(I couldn’t export a “prettier” json, if there is a way, please let me know!)
The gallery custom field id is “blc_slider”
Thanks in advance,
Same behavior whether logged in or not.
Front-end editing is enabled on all of the tables.
]]>[pdb_signup groups="personal" action="thanks" submit_button="Allow Editing"]
I get this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: value in /home/customer/www/ on line 302
It seems the $value is not set in the following code.
if ( array_key_exists( $fieldname, Participants_Db::$fields ) ) {
$field = new PDb_Field_Item( (object) array('name' => $fieldname, 'value' => $value, 'module' => 'tag-template', 'record_id' => ( isset( $this->data['id'] ) ? $this->data['id'] : null )) );
* @version prevent non-pdb field items from using HTML Bug #1343
* @version added "raw" mode
$field->html_mode( !$this->raw );
]]>I have a problem with entering a new record via ‘new entry’.
In the picture below you can see the mask. The 3 upper text fields are no problem. Below, the selection fields do not pop up if they are activated via mouse or tab key. You first have to press any letter on the keyboard to continue.
That only happens in the frontend. Everything works fine in the backend.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Also, how do I enable avatars for guests and admin? Is it possible for guests to use an avatar if my website does not require visitors to register?
]]>installed the plugin today.
Now, nothing happens when clicking on “new entry” button.
Read other posts here in the forum but could not fix it until now.
Thanks for your help!
]]>Is it possible?
Thank’s very much.
]]>I’ve had this issue for all day where every time I post a new entry the site doesn’t fully load:
But If I remove the new entry or make it a draft, it will load the site normally. Also you can see past entries:
But not the new one:
Any ideas?