Another possibility would be to create any extra PDF Document based on the order details (such as printing a physical thank you note or a voucher card addressing the name of the client from that order)
If this is possible could you please point me in the right direction? (such as what possibilities I have and what documentation should I look at?)
Thank you very much for the attention and advice.
]]>function toolbar_link_to_mypage( $wp_admin_bar ) {
$args = array(
'id' => 'quick-exit',
'title' => 'Bye',
'href' => wp_logout_url(),
'parent' => 'top-secondary',
'meta' => array( 'class' => 'my-toolbar-page' )
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( $args );
add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'toolbar_link_to_mypage', 999 );
Can somebody please help me?
Many thanks
]]>I’ve installed the plugin with the following configuration:
WP 4.1.1, single site, theme twentyfifteen.
BP 2.2.1 and RV 1.2.0
Also installed and actives: “Delete me” and “Invite anyone”
Using jquery 1.8.3 but tried with 2.1.3 and didn’t work.
I’ve tried to remove all the personal header includes and scripts, no trace in the js errors inspector.
I’ve taken a look at the topic but I don’t get the solution and nobody answers me there, maybe if it’s closed nobody receives a notification.
Any idea would be great, I don’t know what else to check!
Thanks for your time,
]]>I would like to add a button to the editor window that would insert this HTML into the content window:
<div style=”clear: both;”>?</div>
This is a common issue for non coders. They need this snippet of code and a button that easily inserted it for them would be great.
You can follow the instructions below for installing the script tag code on your blog, strong
or, much easier,/strong
you can hover over ‘Settings’ on your blog’s admin page, and then click on ‘EMAILiT Share’. Near the bottom of the EMAILiT Share page, find ‘Your Button ID:’ and enter your new Button ID in that field and then click ‘Save Changes’.
All the Best,