I like to integrate my logo to the nav bar. Best case in the center of the nav bar. Do you have any recommandations ?!?
Many thanks and kind regards
]]>On my page, I chose to have the “User” page that displays one’s profile in my navigation bar. After logging in into your account, it shows your name. However, if you go to another page of the website, it does no longer show your name, but the actual name of the Page (User it is per default I think). If you click on it, you land on your own profile and the navigation bar shows your profile name again.
Is this a common problem? Or is there a fix for this?
Thanks for helping me out
]]>THank you!
Website: https://wwww.startingpointbrewing.com
Theme: Modality (child)
#main-nav {height: 100px;}
.navbar-brand img {
min-width: 200px;
min-height: 110px;}
so this worked for the logo and everything was fine till later when i found that on mobile devices when clicking the menu button on the upper right it didn’t extend the navbar to show my pages and menu items and it
was like this before and after clicking the menu button
so i tried to increase navbar height using this code
#main-nav {height: 140px;}
it was like this
but the menu button worked as a view\hide button so is there is any code i can use to make the collapsed-extended navbar height different
so i can use the the menu button effect of extending the navbar to show
my pages
P.S: this what it looked like before me ding any thing at this time the menu button worked perfectly
Any help will be appreciated
Thanks in Advance.
www.Druidsofthebeast.com – the navigation bar is suddenly on top of one another, instead of next to each other.
I think I tried to center it, nothing happened and then a few days later it looks like this. In the Theme options I tried restoring it to default, however it is still messed up.
As a reference: This is my other website, using same theme:
There the navigation bar is correct. I have looked through the code on both sites to see if I can spot the error, however I have not been able to.
Is there please anyone who knows how to fix this? The site is used by a community of 300+ people, so I’m really sad I managed to mess it up that horribly!!
Thanks so much if anyone knows how to fix this!
(As this is the first time I ask for help, I hope this is the right place for this kind of problem)