I am using wordpress 4.4.2
Recently, when i log into my dashboard, i notice that it’s taking longer and showing [RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: name lookup timed out] and [RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: 0: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known].
I tried to deactivate all the plugins, then followed some recommendation by installing a plugin called Core Control, and Disable Transport for cURL. However it did not fix the problem.
Can you help solve this problem? Thanks in advance
]]>Our live site is having an error when adding a new gallery. The video won’t load, but it’s working fine on our testing site. The settings are all the same. We are using private channel.
Live: https://www.egscorp.com/careers/
Test site: https://egs.curotec.net/careers/
Error says “Vimeography error: the request to Vimeo failed. CURL Error:name lookup timed out”
Is there problem on the vimeo account, plugin & wordpress issue, or server issue? WordPress version is 4.3.3. I have the latest version of the plugin. Vimeography Pro and Vimeography Theme: Playlister are also installed. I hope someone would help me on this.
]]>May i know if there is a fix here?
]]>Jerusalem, IL
Link to OpenWeatherMap (marked v)
]]>So any ideas how to fix this? I have VPS server and not many sites on it, so connection should not be problem, also i have acess to modify everything.
my curl info:
cURL support enabled
cURL Information 7.22.0
Age 3
AsynchDNS No
Debug No
GSS-Negotiate Yes
IPv6 Yes
Largefile Yes
krb4 No
libz Yes
CharConv No
Protocols dict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtsp, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftp
Host i686-pc-linux-gnu
SSL Version OpenSSL/1.0.1
ZLib Version
]]>“Jetpack could not contact WordPress.com: tocken_http_request_failed. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.
name lookup timed out”
I’m on a shared host so I don’t have access to a lot of server management tools.
]]>Der HTTP Antwort Test bekommt diesen Fehler “name lookup timed out”Der HTTP Antwort Test bekommt den falschen http Status ()
Setup: https://i.imgur.com/QeiDsWb.jpg
]]>My WordPress dashboards do not show that there are newer vesions available, and I’m getting the following RSS error message under “Incoming Links” and “Other WordPress news” –
RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: name lookup timed out
I’ve tried disabling plugins, but that doesn’t make any difference.
Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this? I found a support thread which is about two years old that mentions wp-includes/http.php file but that file appears to have changed now, so the code mentioned in the fix no longer exists!
I hope someone can help.
]]>what should the message say to me? In another Forum they wrote it is a bug in wp2.7. But I can’t find what I can do to fix it.
]]>Here is the problem. It appears to depend on the host with many 2.7 installs working fine while others don’t.
1. Install an RSS widget in your sidebar. Enter are URI and you get an error.
2. Go to the ‘upgrade to wordpress 2.71’ link at the top of the dashboard page and try to do an automatic update. You get this error: Download failed.: name lookup timed out
3. Use plugins that require communications with an external URL and they don’t work either. These produce an error similar to #2 above: Download failed.: name lookup timed out
If I switch back to wordpress 2.6 everything works.
Clearly 2.7 works on a majority of servers. The problem seems to be with some servers, or installs.
What is different on some servers that prevents the RSS widget and other functions to fail?
This is a real head scratcher. Anybody want to try to figure it out and win a coveted EUREKA! award?