Then use the same procedure to move a site to a brand new server (NADI never has been used on this server). When I try to validate or sync I get an error:
User with GUID: ‘xxx’ is not in an authorization group
The account we use to sync in NADI has never been a WordPress user, and only belongs to an AD group ‘Domain Users’.
Validate and sync work fine with same account the original server
Wondering what on the new server is missing or needs change
]]>This is a good plugin, easy to setup and also have an excellent community support. Thank you.
We are facing below issue:
We have created custom wordpress roles (1 custom role for 1 active directory security group) on the top of existing roles (Administrator, Author, Subscriber)
with the help of PublishPress Capabilities Plugin
And mapped Security Group to WordPress roles in NADI Permissions with Role equivalent groups section
Security Group WordPress Role
IT Social Club –> WP_IT_Social_Club
But whenever a user login, he is assigned Subscriber role by default, instead he should have assigned role corresponding to his active directory security group.
Please help me. Thank you.
]]>Please assist i am configuring WordPress 5.4 on Linux to authenticate with Active directory domain controllers, so i wont need to create new user accounts on WordPress. I managed to activate the Next Active Directory Integration but am on configuring the environment and get an error ‘Verification failed Please check your logfile’. Please assist what could be wrong and am not sure where to find the logfile.
]]>We have a strange problem.
NADI syncs users fine and all of their information. But when we change phone numbers in AD and resync, it doesn’t sync the phone number. The old one still remains in WordPress.
Haven’t found any clues in sync log.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
]]>We have started facing an strange issue for last 10 days. Below is the description:
In my company portal, when an AD user visits the Intranet employee portal for the first time, NADI creates a wordpress profile with Subscriber Role and it works seamlessly, and then user logs out.
But when same user comes for the second time, he faces authorization error “You attempted to login to the site, but you do not have any permissions. If you believe you should have access, please contact your administrator.”
In NADI configuration:
Authorize by group membership is disabled but wordpress to AD roles mappings are there.
It was previously working, but suddenly stopped working.
Below are the logs for both the attempts:
——————– FIRST ATTEMPT—————–
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_Authentication_LoginService::authenticate [line 146] A user tries to log in.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_Authentication_LoginService::getWordPressUser [line 572] Local WordPress user ‘paul.siegmund’ could not be found
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_Authentication_LoginService::tryAuthenticatableSuffixes [line 252] Credentials={login=’paul.siegmund’,sAMAccountName=’paul.siegmund’,userPrincipalName=’paul.siegmund’,netbios=”,objectGuid=”,wordPressUserId=”}’ with authenticatable suffixes: ‘, @watco.wtg’.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 104] LDAP connection is *not* encrypted
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] account_suffix =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] base_dn = DC=watco,DC=wtg
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] domain_controllers = WATDNS01.watco.wtg
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_port = 389
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] use_tls =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] use_ssl =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] network_timeout = 5
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_username =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_password =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [WARNING] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 116] Username for the sync user does not contain a correct suffix. If the connection to the ad fails, this could be the cause. Please make sure you have added all UPN suffixes to the configuration tab User -> Account suffix.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::checkPorts [line 553] Checking domain controller ports:
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::checkPort [line 586] Checking address ‘’ and port 389 – OK
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::authenticateUser [line 344] Trying to authenticate user with username ‘paul.siegmund’ and account suffix ‘’
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [ERROR] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::authenticateUser [line 356] Authentication for user ‘paul.siegmund’ failed [AD: Invalid credentials] [AD error code: 49]
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [WARNING] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::findByActiveDirectoryUsername [line 129] Local WordPress user with wp_user_meta.samaccountname=’paul.siegmund’, user_login=’[email protected]’ or user_login=’paul.siegmund’ could not be found
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [ERROR] NextADInt_Adi_Authentication_LoginService::authenticateAtActiveDirectory [line 427] User ‘paul.siegmund’ can not be authenticated.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 104] LDAP connection is *not* encrypted
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] account_suffix =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] base_dn = DC=watco,DC=wtg
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] domain_controllers = WATDNS01.watco.wtg
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_port = 389
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] use_tls =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] use_ssl =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] network_timeout = 5
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_username =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_password =
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [WARNING] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 116] Username for the sync user does not contain a correct suffix. If the connection to the ad fails, this could be the cause. Please make sure you have added all UPN suffixes to the configuration tab User -> Account suffix.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::checkPorts [line 553] Checking domain controller ports:
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::checkPort [line 586] Checking address ‘’ and port 389 – OK
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::authenticateUser [line 344] Trying to authenticate user with username ‘paul.siegmund’ and account suffix ‘@watco.wtg’
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::authenticateUser [line 348] Authentication successful for username ‘paul.siegmund’ and account suffix ‘@watco.wtg’.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [WARNING] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::findByActiveDirectoryUsername [line 129] Local WordPress user with wp_user_meta.samaccountname=’paul.siegmund’, user_login=’[email protected]’ or user_login=’paul.siegmund’ could not be found
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::findAttributesOfUser [line 386] UserInfo for user ‘paul.siegmund’: cn={Paul H. Siegmund}, sn={Siegmund}, givenname={Paul}, displayname={Paul H. Siegmund}, objectguid={f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0}, useraccountcontrol={66048}, objectsid={ *D7\.C?@??|(> }, samaccountname={Paul.Siegmund}, userprincipalname={[email protected]}, mail={[email protected]}
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::findAttributesOfUser [line 386] UserInfo for user ‘Paul.Siegmund’: cn={Paul H. Siegmund}, sn={Siegmund}, givenname={Paul}, displayname={Paul H. Siegmund}, objectguid={f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0}, useraccountcontrol={66048}, objectsid={ *D7\.C?@??|(> }, samaccountname={Paul.Siegmund}, userprincipalname={[email protected]}, mail={[email protected]}
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_LoginSucceededService::beforeCreateOrUpdateUser [line 286] Hook beforeCreateOrUpdateUser executed
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [WARNING] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::findByActiveDirectoryUsername [line 129] Local WordPress user with wp_user_meta.samaccountname=’Paul.Siegmund’, user_login=’[email protected]’ or user_login=’Paul.Siegmund’ could not be found
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::createAdiUser [line 194] Created new instance of User <no_wp_user_account>={id=”, credentials=’Credentials={login=’paul.siegmund’,sAMAccountName=’Paul.Siegmund’,userPrincipalName=’[email protected]’,netbios=”,objectGuid=’f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0′,wordPressUserId=”}’}
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_LoginSucceededService::createUser [line 178] Checking preconditions for creating new user User <no_wp_user_account>={id=”, credentials=’Credentials={login=’paul.siegmund’,sAMAccountName=’Paul.Siegmund’,userPrincipalName=’[email protected]’,netbios=”,objectGuid=’f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0′,wordPressUserId=”}’}
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Helper::getRandomPassword [line 134] Setting random password.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::create [line 226] Using the samAccountName ‘Paul.Siegmund’ for newly created user instead of userPrincipalName.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Persistence_Repository::create [line 255] Create user ‘Paul.Siegmund’.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateWordPressAccount [line 387] Update User Paul.Siegmund={id=’20’, credentials=’Credentials={login=’paul.siegmund’,sAMAccountName=’Paul.Siegmund’,userPrincipalName=’[email protected]’,netbios=”,objectGuid=’f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0′,wordPressUserId=”}’} with this values: {“ID”:20,”first_name”:”Paul”,”last_name”:”Siegmund”,”description”:””,”display_name”:”Paul H. Siegmund”}
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateSAMAccountName [line 412] Updating sAMAccountName of user ’20’ to ‘Paul.Siegmund’
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserRoles [line 431] Updating user roles for 20 : Mapping f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0={ad_security_groups=’all.employees, MunisUsers, It Social Club, webmasterreaders, Administrators, Domain Admins, Domain Users, WseAlertAdministrators, WseRemoteAccessUsers, WseRemoteWebAccessUsers, WseAllowShareAccess, WseAllowComputerAccess, WseAllowMediaAccess, WseAllowAddInAccess, WseAllowDashboardAccess, WseAllowHomePageLinks, Denied RODC Password Replication Group, panousers, Users’,wordpress_roles=”}
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_Role_Manager::synchronizeRoles [line 116] Synchronizing roles of WordPress user with ID 20
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [WARNING] NextADInt_Adi_Role_Manager::synchronizeRoles [line 134] No Role Equivalent Groups defined. User gets default WordPress role ‘subscriber’ assigned
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_Role_Manager::synchronizeRoles [line 144] Security groups [“all.employees”,”MunisUsers”,”It Social Club”,”webmasterreaders”,”Administrators”,”Domain Admins”,”Domain Users”,”WseAlertAdministrators”,”WseRemoteAccessUsers”,”WseRemoteWebAccessUsers”,”WseAllowShareAccess”,”WseAllowComputerAccess”,”WseAllowMediaAccess”,”WseAllowAddInAccess”,”WseAllowDashboardAccess”,”WseAllowHomePageLinks”,”Denied RODC Password Replication Group”,”panousers”,”Users”] are mapped to WordPress roles: [“subscriber”]
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [WARNING] NextADInt_Adi_Role_Manager::updateRoles [line 180] Cleaning existing roles false for user ‘Paul.Siegmund’ existing roles will stay untouched.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::{closure} [line 543] AD attribute ‘description” is empty. Local value ‘Attribute next_ad_int_description={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}’ left unchanged.
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘cn’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_cn={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to Paul H. Siegmund
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘givenname’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_givenname={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to Paul
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘sn’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_sn={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to Siegmund
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘displayname’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_displayname={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to Paul H. Siegmund
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘mail’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_mail={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to [email protected]
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘samaccountname’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_samaccountname={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to paul.siegmund
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘userprincipalname’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_userprincipalname={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to [email protected]
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘useraccountcontrol’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_useraccountcontrol={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to 66048
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘objectguid’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_objectguid={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘domainsid’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_domainsid={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to S-1-5-21-1547161642-1085031214-682003330
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘department’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_comp_deptt={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=’1′, overwriteWithEmpty=’1}) to
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘telephonenumber’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_telephone={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=’1′, overwriteWithEmpty=’1}) to
2020-03-29 15:25:45 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_LoginSucceededService::afterCreateOrUpdateUser [line 300] Hook afterCreateOrUpdateUser executed, wpUser: ‘1’
——————— SECOND ATTEMPT ———————————
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_Authentication_LoginService::authenticate [line 146] A user tries to log in.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_Authentication_LoginService::getWordPressUser [line 577] User ‘paul.siegmund’ has local WordPress ID ’20’.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_Authentication_LoginService::tryAuthenticatableSuffixes [line 252] Credentials={login=’paul.siegmund’,sAMAccountName=’paul.siegmund’,userPrincipalName=’paul.siegmund’,netbios=”,objectGuid=”,wordPressUserId=”}’ with authenticatable suffixes: ‘, @watco.wtg’.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 104] LDAP connection is *not* encrypted
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] account_suffix =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] base_dn = DC=watco,DC=wtg
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] domain_controllers = WATDNS01.watco.wtg
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_port = 389
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] use_tls =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] use_ssl =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] network_timeout = 5
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_username =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_password =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [WARNING] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 116] Username for the sync user does not contain a correct suffix. If the connection to the ad fails, this could be the cause. Please make sure you have added all UPN suffixes to the configuration tab User -> Account suffix.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::checkPorts [line 553] Checking domain controller ports:
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::checkPort [line 586] Checking address ‘’ and port 389 – OK
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::authenticateUser [line 344] Trying to authenticate user with username ‘paul.siegmund’ and account suffix ‘’
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [ERROR] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::authenticateUser [line 356] Authentication for user ‘paul.siegmund’ failed [AD: Invalid credentials] [AD error code: 49]
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [ERROR] NextADInt_Adi_Authentication_LoginService::authenticateAtActiveDirectory [line 427] User ‘paul.siegmund’ can not be authenticated.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 104] LDAP connection is *not* encrypted
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] account_suffix =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] base_dn = DC=watco,DC=wtg
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] domain_controllers = WATDNS01.watco.wtg
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_port = 389
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] use_tls =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] use_ssl =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] network_timeout = 5
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_username =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 112] ad_password =
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [WARNING] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::createConfiguration [line 116] Username for the sync user does not contain a correct suffix. If the connection to the ad fails, this could be the cause. Please make sure you have added all UPN suffixes to the configuration tab User -> Account suffix.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::checkPorts [line 553] Checking domain controller ports:
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::checkPort [line 586] Checking address ‘’ and port 389 – OK
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::authenticateUser [line 344] Trying to authenticate user with username ‘paul.siegmund’ and account suffix ‘@watco.wtg’
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::authenticateUser [line 348] Authentication successful for username ‘paul.siegmund’ and account suffix ‘@watco.wtg’.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::findAttributesOfUser [line 386] UserInfo for user ‘paul.siegmund’: cn={Paul H. Siegmund}, sn={Siegmund}, givenname={Paul}, displayname={Paul H. Siegmund}, objectguid={f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0}, useraccountcontrol={66048}, objectsid={ *D7\.C?@??|(> }, samaccountname={Paul.Siegmund}, userprincipalname={[email protected]}, mail={[email protected]}
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Ldap_Connection::findAttributesOfUser [line 386] UserInfo for user ‘Paul.Siegmund’: cn={Paul H. Siegmund}, sn={Siegmund}, givenname={Paul}, displayname={Paul H. Siegmund}, objectguid={f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0}, useraccountcontrol={66048}, objectsid={ *D7\.C?@??|(> }, samaccountname={Paul.Siegmund}, userprincipalname={[email protected]}, mail={[email protected]}
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_LoginSucceededService::beforeCreateOrUpdateUser [line 286] Hook beforeCreateOrUpdateUser executed
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::createAdiUser [line 194] Created new instance of User Paul.Siegmund={id=’20’, credentials=’Credentials={login=’paul.siegmund’,sAMAccountName=’Paul.Siegmund’,userPrincipalName=’[email protected]’,netbios=”,objectGuid=’f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0′,wordPressUserId=”}’}
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_LoginSucceededService::updateUser [line 219] Checking preconditions for updating existing user User Paul.Siegmund={id=’20’, credentials=’Credentials={login=’paul.siegmund’,sAMAccountName=’Paul.Siegmund’,userPrincipalName=’[email protected]’,netbios=”,objectGuid=’f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0′,wordPressUserId=”}’}
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateWordPressAccount [line 387] Update User Paul.Siegmund={id=’20’, credentials=’Credentials={login=’paul.siegmund’,sAMAccountName=’Paul.Siegmund’,userPrincipalName=’[email protected]’,netbios=”,objectGuid=’f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0′,wordPressUserId=”}’} with this values: {“ID”:20,”first_name”:”Paul”,”last_name”:”Siegmund”,”description”:””,”display_name”:”Paul H. Siegmund”}
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateSAMAccountName [line 412] Updating sAMAccountName of user ’20’ to ‘Paul.Siegmund’
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserRoles [line 431] Updating user roles for 20 : Mapping f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0={ad_security_groups=’all.employees, MunisUsers, It Social Club, webmasterreaders, Administrators, Domain Admins, Domain Users, WseAlertAdministrators, WseRemoteAccessUsers, WseRemoteWebAccessUsers, WseAllowShareAccess, WseAllowComputerAccess, WseAllowMediaAccess, WseAllowAddInAccess, WseAllowDashboardAccess, WseAllowHomePageLinks, Denied RODC Password Replication Group, panousers, Users’,wordpress_roles=”}
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_Role_Manager::synchronizeRoles [line 116] Synchronizing roles of WordPress user with ID 20
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_Role_Manager::synchronizeRoles [line 144] Security groups [“all.employees”,”MunisUsers”,”It Social Club”,”webmasterreaders”,”Administrators”,”Domain Admins”,”Domain Users”,”WseAlertAdministrators”,”WseRemoteAccessUsers”,”WseRemoteWebAccessUsers”,”WseAllowShareAccess”,”WseAllowComputerAccess”,”WseAllowMediaAccess”,”WseAllowAddInAccess”,”WseAllowDashboardAccess”,”WseAllowHomePageLinks”,”Denied RODC Password Replication Group”,”panousers”,”Users”] are mapped to WordPress roles: []
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [WARNING] NextADInt_Adi_Role_Manager::updateRoles [line 178] Cleaning existing roles true for user ‘Paul.Siegmund’ existing roles will be deleted.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::{closure} [line 543] AD attribute ‘description” is empty. Local value ‘Attribute next_ad_int_description={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}’ left unchanged.
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘cn’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_cn={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to Paul H. Siegmund
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘givenname’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_givenname={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to Paul
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘sn’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_sn={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to Siegmund
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘displayname’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_displayname={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to Paul H. Siegmund
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘mail’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_mail={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to [email protected]
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘samaccountname’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_samaccountname={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to paul.siegmund
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘userprincipalname’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_userprincipalname={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to [email protected]
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘useraccountcontrol’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_useraccountcontrol={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to 66048
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘objectguid’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_objectguid={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to f9f67c05-57e0-4b6f-8b0c-2a7bc59310c0
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘domainsid’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_domainsid={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=”, overwriteWithEmpty=’}) to S-1-5-21-1547161642-1085031214-682003330
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘department’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_int_comp_deptt={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=’1′, overwriteWithEmpty=’1}) to
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [DEBUG] NextADInt_Adi_User_Manager::updateUserMetaDataFromActiveDirectory [line 479] Set AD attribute ‘telephonenumber’ (ADI Attribute next_ad_telephone={type=’string’, syncable=”, viewable=’1′, overwriteWithEmpty=’1}) to
2020-03-29 15:31:33 [INFO] NextADInt_Adi_User_LoginSucceededService::afterCreateOrUpdateUser [line 300] Hook afterCreateOrUpdateUser executed, wpUser: ‘1’
Please help me as I need to sort this out asap. Thank you.
]]>Verify credential works, Test authentication works.
When it comes to login, it doesn’t work. it gives invalid user name. I have no idea why this would not work.
I’m using sAMAccountName as the user name, with Automatic user creation, and Use sAMAccountName for newly created users checked.
I have Authorize by group membership enabled, which I thought it would cause it. I removed all groups and disable it, still get invalid user name.
I must be missing something, if anyone had experienced this, let me know.
On Documentation:
There’s a typo here
where LDAPS encryption method port 3629, it should be 3269 for Global Catalog.
you may want to add ‘TLS_REQCERT never’ in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf since without it, starttls would not work in 389. no need to put active directory certificate and ldap.conf in wordpress root per documentation.
]]>I’m useing your login form on my intranet page. The user accounts come from active directory imported with the plugin Next Active Directory Integration and we bought Next Active Directory Integration: Login with Ultimate Member from them. Sometimes some users can’t login on that form but when they click on the login button of the theme they can. When they can’t logon with your form they get sometimes an error (Could not authenticate user against AD or WordPress) but mostly of the time not. They are all using the internet browser google chrome so that can’t be the problem.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Kind regards,
On the Profile Options tab of the configuration tool I also don’t see the options to enable any menu items as shown in the screenshot here –
On my Profile Options page I only see “Profile Name”, “Support License Key”, “Enable NADI” and the “Save” button.
]]>Any help would be much appreciated.
]]>Our wordpress is installed on linux server.
we use centrify to let wordpress be able to talk with our active directory domain controllers
Your help will be much appreciated