I see no alerts whatsoever with:
define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );
@ini_set( ‘display_errors’, 0 );
define( ‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true );
I see nothing in the Chrome console also.
]]>WordPress database error: [Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column ‘wordpress.wp_termmeta.meta_value’ which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT]
SELECT DISTINCT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_terms AS t LEFT JOIN wp_termmeta ON ( t.term_id = wp_termmeta.term_id AND wp_termmeta.meta_key=’order’) INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN (‘product_cat’) AND ( ( wp_termmeta.meta_key = ‘order’ OR wp_termmeta.meta_key IS NULL ) ) ORDER BY wp_termmeta.meta_value+0 ASC, t.name ASC
Please help
]]>I’m reading your documentation and minimum requirements to install WordPress. I see the minimum now is PHP 7.2 and MySQL 5.6 but for the moment my hosting provider does not have those PHP & MySQL versions available.
?Is there a table to see wich WordPress Version is compatible with N.n PHP Version & N.n MySQL Version? I need a version compatible with PHP 7.0 and MySQL 5.5.
Thanks in advance for your kind help
]]>the report tells me:
Check the MySQL version. You are using MySQL version 5.5.5 which meets the minimum requirements set by WP, but it’s recommended upgrading to at least v5.6.
The WordPress Version Info tells me:
You are using WordPress 4.9.8 | PHP 7.2.10 | Apache/2.4 | MySQL 10.1.35-MariaDB
Who is right?
]]>When I move than afterwards to the right list, they end up there when I filter, but that’s not visible because after the list name it stil says “(0)”
One detail, when installing I had to change the MySQL server version from 40100 to 50010
Hope you can help!!
]]>I had WordPress running fine on my local server, but when I uploaded it and put the database content in, it was coming up with Errors. I thought I would just delete all the tables and start again with a new installation, but when I went to install, I got this:
ERROR: WordPress 2.2 requires MySQL 4.0.0 or higher
I have checked in phpMyAdmin on the new host, I have the following information:
MySQL Version:
# Server version: 3.23.58-log
# Protocol version: 10
# MySQL client version: 4.1.12
# phpMyAdmin – 2.10.1
My question is, does WordPress require mySQL version 4.0.0 or higher for the client side or server version? My guess would be server version, as it is generating errors.
Can someone point me in the direction of a page that gives detailed information of the requirements for WordPress 2.2 relating to client and server version of mysql?