My server admin told me that my sites is generating this error, how i can repair this ?
[18-Jul-2016 09:34:01 UTC] WordPress database error Table '374653ghdg1dkmb7sx.casw16_geot_countries' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM corw16_geot_countries WHERE iso_code = 'US' made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), call_user_func_array, GeoTarget_Functions->setUserCountry, GeoTarget_Functions->calculateUserCountry, GeoTarget_Functions->getCountryByIsoCode
I was looking in mysql table geot_countries but it doesn’t exist. How to handle with this problem ?
]]>I’d really like your technical feedback on my WordPress plugin and web service this plugin is designed to work with. This is not a shameless plug – I promise! This service is not being sold now, I’m mostly interested in your feedback as developers as to what you think of this general concept, and how I can make such a service most useful to you:
There is lots of info about this service on the site, but in a nutshell, the idea here is that as developers we often write the same sort of CRUD database administrative backends for our customers and their web apps (often times this is for content that you’d integrate into a WordPress site), so Ezdeebee allows you to sort of skip having to develop this part of the project by using Ezdeebee to create and manage the data and providing your users direct access to this app.
Ezdeebee is designed with a super simple UI and is end-user focused rather than DBA focused like tools such as phpMyAdmin. Using simple plugins such as the Ezdeebee WordPress Connector plugin ( you can pull down the content to your site in a number of ways so that the entire data-driven administrative backend is provided by this cloud service, and so that your end users can use Ezdeebee on a day-to-day basis to manage their data. Ezdeebee supports a number of features that phpMyAdmin doesn’t, such as the ability to upload images and other filetypes, specify field dependencies (so that relevant fields show/hide depending on what has been selected), configure field validations/error checking, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Again, I apologize if this sounds sales-y, but I’m really interested in hearing some of your impressions as developers as to what you think about this concept. I think is pretty new and unique, but I’m really interested in hearing from you about different ways this concept can be tweaked to appeal to you developers, who are key to the success of this project!
]]>That way there will be realtime data in the table.
]]>“Change “reftype?? in Your MySQL-table to “W?? for whitelisting domains.”
I changed the reftype default filed from B to W, (I hope this is correct) but I don’t know where I would create the whitelist. Can anyone help?
Thank you!!