e.g. https://mysite/?tax1=term1&tax2=term2&tax=3
I want to a have a unique canonical url, <title>, meta description, og tags, etc.. for this page…wp seo will just put the seo tags for tax1=term1 automatically which is quite annoying.
]]>tnx for any help in advance
]]>Im currently working on a site and i have been trying to call multiple taxonomies into a dropdown list but no matter what i have tried i cannot figure it out at all!
Heres the code im working with:
<p><?php _e('Select Category', tk_theme_name) ?></p>
$args = array(
'show_option_all' => __('All Categories', tk_theme_name),
'selected' => $two_col_top_two_cat_right,
'echo' => 1,
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'name' => 'two_col_top_two_cat_right-' . $post->ID);
I am trying to merge “category” and “event-categories” so that when the use clicks the drop down menu they see both; Taxonomy “Category” categories and Taxonomy “events-categories” categories.
Sorry if this is confusing.
]]>If I use this plugin to list all cities, it (correctly so) brings up a list of all terms in the ‘city’ taxonomy. This will take the user to a listing results page that displays any service from that particular city (i.e. plumbers, electricians, etc are all in the list). Is there a way to modify the URLs of the tags such that I can specify that it must only bring up for instance plumbers in San Diego and not everyone in San Diego (assuming I’m using a permalink structure such as /listing/%service%/%city%).
Alternatively is there a smarter way to do this that will let users first choose their service and then choose their city?
]]>I currently have two problems I can not solve.
The first is that I created two custom taxonomy (produit_type and produit_marque). I correctly displays the post list of each taxonomy (in taxonomy-produit_type.php and taxonomy-produit_marque.php). My problem comes when I view the page single-produit.php which corresponds to a product in one of the selected taxonomy. I shall post the good product but I will wish 2 things:
– Display a list of the same product type (5 at random from the same class and with the same value). If I have the taxonomy ‘produit_type’ whose value is ‘chair’ I must show only products whose taxonomy is ‘produit_type’ and the value is ‘chair’. Knowing that a product can belong to several produit_type (eg ‘light’, ‘accessory and decorative’).
– Have a simple paging where I post a link to the previous one post or the post next (if any) of the same taxonomy and taxonomy of the same value. As before I will be able to navigate between posts having for example taxonomy ‘produit_type’ and value ‘chair’, knowing also that the post may have more value for the taxonomy produit_type.
=> 2 in case I’m supposed to know where the person just: click on a menu produit_type (eg, lamps, chairs, accessories and deco), then click on a product from the list of this taxonomy, I will show Product with this information, 5 products mini (described above) and a previous one link and another product next product.
=> My problem here is that when I get on the single-page produit.php I am unable to know what I come taxonomy, since if the product belongs to several produit_type I am not able to find if I clicked on one or the other to come to the single page.
=> You can find the dev site here : 5francs
The second I will present once found the first big_smile for you too take the lead!
Thank you in advance for your help!
]]>Here is a sample code I use for each group:
<?php query_posts( array(
'wine-type' => 'white-wine',
'page_per_posts' => -1,
'post_type' => 'wine_list',
'orderby' => 'ID',
'order' => 'ASC'
) ); ?>
<?php query_posts( array(
'wine-type' => 'champagne',
'page_per_posts' => -1,
'post_type' => 'wine_list',
'orderby' => 'ID',
'order' => 'ASC'
) ); ?>
The first displays all posts within White Wine category and the second query displays all post within the Champagne category. The problem I’m having is breaking down the White Wine category into separate groups. Every time I try, each group displays all posts within the White Wine category.
What is the best way to do this? Thanks