Recently, my contact form has been sending two email notifications/submissions when a user actually only submits once. I looked for multiple sources but no one seems to know the cause of this problem.
I would really appreciate any help on this!
]]>The stamps table is created with the following code upon plugin activation:
$charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate();
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix."cf_stamps";
$sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table_name (
entry_id int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
entry_stamp varchar(32) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (entry_id),
UNIQUE KEY entry_stamp (entry_stamp)
) $charset_collate;";
The contact form is inserted into a WP page via a shortcode:
function contact_form_shortcode($atts) {
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
'language' => 'en'
), $atts );
$lang = $a['language'];
contact_form_process($lang);// Processes the contact form after submission
contact_form_email($lang);// Checks for errors and emails form data if error free
contact_form_markup($lang);// Generates contact form markup
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('contact_form', 'contact_form_shortcode');
After submission and processing, form data checked for errors and emailed. Unique stamp is inserted into the database table upon first submission.:
function contact_form_email($lang='en') {
global $showForm;// Form is only displayed if there are errors that need correcting or an email error has occurred
global $cf_form_errors, $cf_user_errors, $cf_form_missing;// Form submission and user errors
global $cf_email_main, $cf_emails_bc, $cf_emails_cc;// Email addresses to which to send contact form data
global $wpdb;
$cf_stamps_table = $wpdb->prefix.'cf_stamps';// Database table for stamps (to prevent multiple submissions)
$userErrorMsgs = cf_get_user_error_msgs();
if (isset($_POST['submitForm'])) {
if ($cf_form_errors) {// True if honeypot has been filled, cf_stamp empty or invalid, etc.
echo "\n\t\t\t", '<p class="align-center error">This form has been accessed in error.</p>', "\n";
$_POST = array();
$showForm = FALSE;
} elseif ($cf_form_missing || $cf_user_errors) {// True if any required fields are missing or any fields contain invalid data
echo "\n\t\t\t", '<p class="align-center error">Please address the errors indicated below and resubmit your data.</p>', "\n";
$showForm = TRUE;
} else {// No errors, proceed with sending form data via email
$cf_stamp = $_POST['cf_stamp'];// Submitted via hidden field, value=md5(uniqid(rand(), true))
if ($wpdb->insert($cf_stamps_table, array('entry_stamp' => $cf_stamp))) {
if (cf_contact_form_send_email($cf_email_main, $cf_emails_bc, $cf_emails_cc, $lang)) {// Composes email and sends to main, BC, CC using wp_mail()
echo "\n\t\t\t", '<p class="contact-thank">Thank you for contacting us. Your information has been submitted successfully. We will reply as soon as possible.</p>', "\n";
$showForm = FALSE;
} else {// Email did not send successfuly
echo "\n\t\t\t", '<p class="align-center error">A system error has occurred. We aplogize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.</p>', "\n";
$showForm = TRUE;
} else {// Form submitted multiple times (stamp already in database table)
echo "\n\t\t\t", '<p class="contact-thank">The form has already been submitted and processed. Thank you.</p>', "\n";
$showForm = FALSE;
} else {
In older WP versions, I see the “Thank you for contacting us. Your information has been submitted successfully….” message upon first submission. In newer WP versions, I immediately see the “The form has already been submitted and processed….” message and my error log shows a duplicate entry error, but the email is still sent. So it seems like insert is running twice in newer WP versions. Can anyone take a guess as to why this is happening?
This isn’t the end of the world since the form is still fulfilling its main function, but it’s driving me nuts and I’d really appreciate any advice on where I can look for a solution.
]]>We are using the default=”{leadsourcecode:928380002}” tag to give people a leadsource in the header of the form and it appears infrequently on submitted forms I am just wondering why this would happen.
Forms are being submitted multiple times (2-4) simultaneously whenever someone submits one of the two forms on the site but not the other even though we have the form hide on success so it’s not a matter of multiple clicks. This began happening after the server for the site went down briefly. I don’t believe it is a theme issue as per the earlier thread for this as we have two forms using the same theme and only one is making duplicates.
]]>Is there a way to set up an if-like function to say that if some field = the value of 5 for example, the form will be submitted 5 times. I have a code generator (Contact Form 7 Serial Numbers) linked to the form and for some inputs they will need more than one generated code. If I can put the multiple generated codes in to one email, that would be even better obviously. But if multiple serial numbers can’t be added to one email, I don’t mind sending out multiple emails so that each email has its own serial number.
]]>As this thread is already marked as resolved I′m opening hereby a new one.
Unfortunately I′m facing a problem with multiple form submissions. I get from one user multiple emails. This happens to me on different websites, even without file upload form fields. The server and the UI is not the reason for that multi-submissions.
The good news as far as I have seen it: The statistics (AdWords / Google Analytics) are not getting broken by this multiple submissions.
The bad news: It is getting weird with the mutliple sent out emails. Recently I had a submission of one person where I received 25 mails (!). I don′t think that this user hit 25 times the submit button. What I can see, that most of our form submits coming from mobile devices.
Could it has something to do with an unstable internet connection?
Or is it because I′m using the that function under advanced seetings:
on_sent_ok: “ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘abc’, ‘submit’); fbq(‘track’, ‘Lead’); location = ‘/?page_id=1234’;”
However this case is getting critical as my customer think we are not able to perform a propoer working contact form.
Thanks for any help!
]]>The site is
]]>By submitting one form, I’m receiving too many responses. I think the issue is when someone trying to submit the form, it never went through once but keep on submitting the results automatically.
Here is URL:
You can test by submitting the form, it never gave me success page but kept on refreshing the symbol next to submit button which creates confusion and trouble.
]]>I deactivated every plugin except your two, and the Send button worked fine. Then I activated only the Constant Contact plugin, and immediately the Send button started acting up again. When I activated it, there was a message saying that I should check the integration. I did, and everything seems to be okay, yet we are experiencing this issue. Can you help us figure out what is going wrong, or tell us if there is a known conflict with the Contact Form 7 Newsletter plugin? Is there another, more reliable plugin to use to integrate with Constant Contact?
Here’s the url where we’re seeing this problem:
Thanks so much!