Forminator is awesome. It has everything that the forms plugin should have. But I am facing some issue with the columns. I have created the form which has two columns. When I use this form in the column which has more width then, it comes up as two columns but when I do the same where the column width is less then, all the fields come under a single column. One after the other. The column where I am trying to fix this is around 300px.
Thanks in advance.
Mohammed Rafique
Is there any custom code
if I want to make my posts page
multiple column like pinterest style?
I want to apply multiple column
for my posts page, categories, archives, etc.
And how to make my sidebar widget float and fixed?
]]>I have used this plugin in this page:
I have used the following code to display categories name
[mctl taxonomy=’category’ title=’Actor’ columns=’3′ child_of=’74’ hide_empty=’0′ ‘]
I want to display list of categories on page with link to their categories permalink.
Kindly tell me how to solve it.
]]>I have used this plugin in this page:
I used this code to display this categories name :
[mctl taxonomy=’category’ title=’Actor’ columns=’3′ child_of=’73’ hide_empty=’0′ exclude=’819,813,816,814,815,817,818′]
I want to display list of categories on page with link to their categories permalink.
]]>and then beneath it, the next two posts would be 300px wide and floating next to one another so it would look like this:
| POST 1 |
_______ ______
|Post2| |POST3|
How should I code the loop if I am trying to achieve this?
Thank you so much in advance.
]]>post 1 — post 2 — post 3 — post 4
post 5 — post 6 — post 7 — post 8
post 9 — post 10 — post 11 — post 12
and so on…
I’ve found a solution that works for even sized boxes that float left, which is beautifully simple an would be perfect if only the columns could be of various heights and still wrap properly to the next row (see below). I’ve tried inserting row tags around the blocks, but can not figure out how to make post/content flow from row to row (or between containers). I’m relatively comfortable with HTML and CSS by this point but the PHP is tripping me up on this one. Any help would be sincerely appreciated. Here’s the basic code structure I’m using, quoted from:
<div id=”container_division”>
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div class=”post-block”>
<h1><?php the_permalink(); ?></h1>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile; else: ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Kindest thanks!!