Brilliant plugin! I have been looking around for something like this and it does almost everything I need. The only thing I can’t get to work is multi word keywords.
For example I have Deep Tissue Massage in my keywords and I can create a link in my page but when I publish the page the tooltip does not appear.
Do you have, or are you thinking of adding multi word support?
I’d be grateful for any help as I’m pretty new to WordPress!
]]>These work:
[forecast location=”Philadelphia, PA” numdays=”3″ layout=”simple”]
[forecast location=”Miami, FL” numdays=”3″ layout=”simple”]
These don’t:
[forecast location=”Palm Beach, FL” numdays=”3″ layout=”simple”]
[forecast location=”{Palm Beach}, {FL}” numdays=”3″ layout=”simple”]
[forecast location=”San Diego, CA” numdays=”3″ layout=”simple”]
[forecast location=”‘San Diego’, CA” numdays=”3″ layout=”simple”]
[forecast location=”{San Diego}, {CA}” numdays=”3″ layout=”simple”]`
-“public engagement”
-“public engagement initiative”
-“public engagement mechanism”
The glossary was always defaulting to displaying the definition for “public”, so I ended up deleting that definition, and now it defaults to “public engagement.” I’ve tried changing the dates (since I thought it might default to older) but no luck.
Could you at least tell me what the default behaviour is for the plugin? Does it choose the first term that matches based on… post ID? I could probably figure out a workaround if I knew how it did the logic.
However, I do have a request (for later): could you make sure the plugin keeps reading the string of text until there is only one match? Or, at the very least, let the user order the terms in the order they would like to be matched? (i.e. “public engagement initiative” takes priority over “public”)
[ Please do not bump, it’s not permitted here. ]
]]>my blog
]]>`<?php $parent_title = get_the_title($post->post_parent); ?>
<?php if ( $parent_title == “About” ) { ?>
<!– query –>
<?php $my_query = new WP_Query(‘tag=arpit dave’); ?>
<?php //echo $my_query; ?>
<!– loop through query –>
<?php while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
<!– do this –>
<ul class=”thumbnails”>
<li id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>
” title=”Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”><?php the_thumbnail(); ?>
<!– end loop –>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php } ?>’
For some reason, it will work if the category_name in the query is “arpit dave” but not if the tag is. Do tags HAVE to be one word? How do tag-based archives deal with that?