Is there a way to remove a certain page from being shared? For example, I have a 3-page post but when people share the post, the 3rd page is being shared on Pinterest and not the first. is being shared instead of
I had to disable the plugin because of constant inquiries re: the beginning of this oil stain tutorial.
I was using this php coding <?php if( function_exists(‘ADDTOANY_SHARE_SAVE_KIT’) ) { ADDTOANY_SHARE_SAVE_KIT(); } ?> in a Genesis hook that shows up in each post, so I cannot modify the shortcode because it would affect every post.
How can I use this sharing plugin on all of my posts, but strip the numbered pages (parameters) on multi-page posts from being shared?
Thanks so much!
]]>Just to be clear I’ve only looked at this as preview. I haven’t published the post to test this. I’ve inserted the tags in text mode.
I’m on version 2.4 of the WP-Creativix theme because we made some changes to the original theme that would be lost in an upgrade.
I hope someone has the answer for me. Thanks in advance!
]]>I do realize that WP has the <!–nextpage–> tag.
What I’m looking for is a plugin that can create slick navigation for multi-page posts like at Ask Men:
Currently, the theme I’m using doesn’t even have a css class assigned for the pagination on multi-page posts:
Is there a plugin available? Note, I’m only looking for pagination within single posts.
]]>Sometimes I need to use multi-page posts because of the length of the post. But i don’t want the page to be reloaded every time the reader needs to switch between post pages.
I have seen some plugins that can make the multi-tabbed posts, meaning that you will be able to quickly switch between pages without reloading the site. Unfortunately, they look ugly and they are not meant for the purpose i need. I don’t want my post to be “tabbed”, i don’t want to have tabs at the top of post. Here is the example of one plugin that I came across (to show what I DON’T want), WordPress Post Tabs:
My idea is to have numbered buttons at the bottom of the page just like you can see on many websites where you use then to switch between pages. In my case instead of pages I want to switch between different parts of long post (NOT BETWEEN DIFFERENT POSTS! between the part os the SAME post) and without reloading the page. The best example is the Youtube’s commenting system. There you switch between comment pages without reloading the page and the buttons look just like I want them to look like:
Of coarse the buttons don’t have to look similar as long as the plugin does the work i need. Besides I can make my own disain if there’s possibility to change the buttons style.
So does anyone know plugin that does that or a metod to accomplish my wish?
So once again, shortly:
-) plugin/metod that will allow to see long multi-paged posts without reloading site using tab-based system.
-) I don’t want them to look like tabs, instead to have numbered buttons that will be at the bottom of the post.
-) something similar as Youtube handles their comments like.
Thank you in advance,
Sometimes I need to use multi-page posts because of the length of the post. But i don’t want the page to be reloaded every time the reader needs to switch between post pages.
I have seen some plugins that can make the multi-tabbed posts, meaning that you will be able to quickly switch between pages without reloading the site. Unfortunately, they look ugly and they are not meant for the purpose i need. I don’t want my post to be “tabbed”, i don’t want to have tabs at the top of post. Here is the example of one plugin that I came across (to show what I DON’T want), WordPress Post Tabs:
My idea is to have numbered buttons at the bottom of the page just like you can see on many websites where you use then to switch between pages. In my case instead of pages I want to switch between different parts of long post (NOT BETWEEN DIFFERENT POSTS! between the part os the SAME post) and without reloading the page. The best example is the Youtube’s commenting system. There you switch between comment pages without reloading the page and the buttons look just like I want them to look like:
Of coarse the buttons don’t have to look similar as long as the plugin does the work i need. Besides I can make my own disain if there’s possibility to change the buttons style.
So does anyone know plugin that does that or a metod to accomplish my wish?
So once again, shortly:
-) plugin/metod that will allow to see long multi-paged posts without reloading site using tab-based system.
-) I don’t want them to look like tabs, instead to have numbered buttons that will be at the bottom of the post.
-) something similar as Youtube handles their comments like.
Thank you in advance,
Example here:
Poking around Google results, it looks like most of the problems relate to custom queries, which I’m not using at the moment. I’m using a pretty basic single.php, like below:
<?php the_content('<p>Read the rest of this entry »</p>'); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<div id="postpagenav"><ul id="ppn"><li><strong>Pages:</strong></li> ', 'after' => '</ul></div>', 'next_or_number' => 'number' , 'link_before' => '<li>' , 'link_after' => '</li>')); ?>
Any thoughts?
]]>Is there a plugin that will allow a multi-page post for something like a top 10 list?
So if you were doing a post on the top 10 wordpress plugins, you’d have an intro, then you’d show #10. After that, the user would click to view #9, and it would take them to another page. They would click to go to #8 and so forth.
Any ideas?