There is only one problem, I’m adding mobile support to existing desktop site.
The desktop site uses two level menus, not big , 7 elements. I don’t want to change it.
In such case in mobile menu only top level items are shown.
Is is possible to display all of then? I could be flattened.
WordPress 5.5.3 running theme53330 theme.
]]>I need to display more sub-categories in the Category Menu on the left and the Top menu. I have created the Menu tree as required in Appearance > Menu, but I’m not able to see the same on the front end.
Please help.
I’my trying to set a multilevel menu and it’s not appearing normally as you could see a horrizontal scroll bar to the left showing second menu items in some point in the very far left, tried to fix it but found nothing to help me
here is the link:
thanks for your support in advance
]]>My site is I’m not sure you can see it yet. I want to nest info under my Final Thoughts title.
I had no challenges doing this in my free wordpress template, but can’t seem to get it to work in this template. And, I don’t know CSS. I’m just now trying to figure out how to make a child theme thing.
Thank you!
]]>The standard multi-level menu functionality (as described on the codex at
simply does not work.
All the menu items are placed on the main level regardless of where I drag them.
Is there something I need to install to get it to work? Where to start looking? I’m running on a GoDaddy hosing account, fwiw.
I’m looking for a way to exclude only the last level of links in a navigation menu with multiple levels. Some menu options have only one level of children, while others have two levels.
An example of the menu structure (trimmed):
<ul class="dropdown">
<li>Top Level</li>
<ul class="child">
<li>Child Level</li> <!-- This must be excluded -->
<li>Top Level</li>
<ul class="child">
<li>Child Level</li> <!-- This must be included -->
<ul class="grandchild">
<li>Grandchild Level</li> <!-- This must be excluded -->
I know I can do this through either CSS or jQuery after the navigation has been built, but I’m hoping this is possible with some manipulation of the $depth argument in wp_nav_menu.. However, perhaps this would require my theme to have a custom function based on the default wp_nav_menu function?
Either way, I’m unfortunately not experienced enough in PHP to write a custom function of that level, so I need some assistance with this. If anybody has an idea of how to achieve this, or any suggestions on a method to get the desired result, please let me know? If you could at least post suggestions for this, I’ll dig into the functions and work it out myself. I’m just looking for some direction to get me going…
]]><li><a href="#" class="parent"><span>level1-titel1</span></a>
<li><a href="#" class="child"><span>level2-titel1</span></a>
<li><a href="#" class="parent"><span>level1-titel2</span></a>
I use wp-function:<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&link_before=<span>&link_after=</span>'); ?>
But I don’t get the div-tags around the ul-tags of the children-menu-items.
Who can help me out ?