When text is too long in descritpion location, “Read more” is not accessible.
Can you add an option to only show 100 first characters please ?
]]>Pero ahora están surgiendo muchas herramientas y plugins que permiten hacer animaciones, y enriquecer de alguna manera los sitios web para que estos se vean diferente y sean más atractivos e interactivos.
Este plugin particularmente me parece maravilloso, lo pudimos usar para implementar una gráfica para un laboratorio de genética, en el cual necesitamos algo así como un movimiento molecular. Funcionó perfecto para lo que queríamos lograr y le a?adió mucha riqueza gráfica al sitio. Creo que este plugin bien usado en un contexto adecuado es una verdadera maravilla. Muchas gracias a la persona o personas que lo hicieron posible.
]]>Thanks a lot for this fantastic plugin! May I just ask one question?
One of the great features of this pluin is, that when scrolling on the website, the icons start to move a little bit and do come back to the initial position again.
That’s great and get’s the attention of the visitor. But I would like to reduce the distance / way the icons move to make the site less “nervous”. I would like to have just a very slight movement, now it looks too nervous.
Is there any parameter (maybe in custom css or somewhere else) where I can influence how much the icons are moving when scrolling?
Thanks a lot and MERRY CHRISTMAS
]]>This is the 1st time I have seen this. All my other quizzes on other sites do not have this issue.
]]>Screenshot before choosing:
Screenshot after choosing an option:
I would like to have the price and the shipping-infos still on top. Now “Rahmenh?he” slides to the top and the price disappears.
Thank you!
]]>But over the top a splash page I’m making:
Do I Just upload the .js file and insert this script into my page-templates/full-width.php page?
]]>Trying to achieve the following effect when scrolling down product page:
Anyone know what’s doing this?
]]>My website is www.club.datsinnova.com
And the video on the background is suppoused to stay there but i Want in the front some kind of text that moves like in this video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtk5exn-OmY (the words are static but it moves the part on the bottom
I dont know if you get me. If anyone knwos of any plugin.. it should be like a loop, the text would do alweays the same kind of movement.