We’ve just merged two of our servers and moved elsewhere, and changed IP. There’s quite a few WordPress websites hosted. Since moving, we are suddenly receiving dozens of spam comments with “Please moderate” emails.
I find it hard to believe it’s a coincidence since moving server.
Has anyone else experienced this? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.
]]>So I installed apache2, phpMyAdmin, everything. I used Filezilla to transfer all the WordPress files from the web hosting service and uploaded them to a folder on the server and set everything up.
Then I exported the databases from the old web host and imported them up to my server using phpMyAdmin, and edited wp-config.php to enter the new database user details.
I redirected the domain to my server’s IP address and the homepage works fine, but all the posts and pages don’t work with /%postname%/, but they work with the ‘?id=…’ permalink structure. Which is incredibly strange as I simply transferred all the files and imported the same databases from the old host to my new server. I’ve double checked everything and they’re indeed the same databases. But something’s obviously changed and I can’t immediately see what it is.
I looked at another thread here about trying changing the permalink structure to default and back again, which didn’t work. The pages and posts all work fine with ‘?id=…’ but it’d be nice to have it back to the way it was.
]]>Trying to help out a friend, they just moved their website to a different server. It has the same domain, and should look identical, except the images aren’t loading (loading icon keeps going like it’s buffering, trying to find the image.)
I have changed the upload_path in the options, but i assume, this just allows me to upload new images to the correct place. How do i change the file path so all the images show again?
]]>I have moved my server and have got the database back up and running. I also have the latest version of WordPress (3.9) yet I get the following error message:
Notice: get_bloginfo was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.2! The siteurl option is deprecated for the family of bloginfo() functions. Use the url option instead. in /home/larklane/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3193
Any ideas how I can fix this?
Many thanks
]]>My site is: www.jimmycakes.com
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: array_splice() [function.array-splice]: The first argument should be an array in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 970
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/jimmycakes/jimmycakes.com/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/comicpress_manager_admin.php on line 974
]]>So the files seem to be there, but mysql isn’t recognizing them and I assume that this is why wordpress acts as though I’m starting a new installation when I try to pull up my blog. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I recently installed WP e-commerce but I don’t think this issue is specific to that plugin.
A while ago I migrated my WP site across to a new server. Everything has been working fine, all pointing to the right place UNTIL I install WP e-commerce, and am now (when I try to activate the plugin) getting an error message that suggests SOMETHING (but I don’t know what or where to find it) is pointing to the old server instead of the new.
One of the dozens of errors (all similar in various respects) says:
Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/keyword/public_html/real/wp-content/uploads/2010/12) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/users:/tmp:/usr/share/pear:/usr/lib/php:/var/www/html:/usr/local/apache-custs) in /var/users/username/domainname.com/htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2028
/home/keyword/public_html/real/wp-content/uploads/2010/12 is the path to the site on my old server
/var/users/username/domainname.com/htdocs/ is the path to the domain on my new server
When I installed WP e-commerce, there was nothing asking for the name of the server; it’s just a plugin and it didn’t ask for such details.
However, as it tries to work (when I activate it), it looks like it’s searching for those directions (where to upload the shopping cart, or whatever it’s trying to do) within my existing WP site and somehow I have something that I have forgotten to change but that doesn’t affect the usual running of WP.
I’ve checked wp-config and several other files (all that I can think of), just opening them and doing a search for one of the words in the old server path but have turned up nothing.
Then I went into my SQL5 database and ran a search there. It turned up a wp_options table within my database that has two occurrences of the old path. Is this a likely culprit? And if so, how do I edit this? There’s an edit button for the table within the database, so I tried to change the one instance I found. It hasn’t eliminated the error. And I don’t *really* know exactly what I’m doing.
Any ideas??
Is there any way I can run a search on the code within the site for a key word within the path? If I could just figure out where the dud pointer was I am guessing it’s fixable.
Any ideas MUCH appreciated!!
]]>404 Not Found
The requested URL /wordpress_reviews/2007/10/23/jack-of-all-trades-by-eric-gruendemann-2000/ does not exist.
My blogs are at https://www.whaleofatale.net/wordpress_reviews/ and https://www.whaleofatale.net/wordpress_restaurant_reviews/ and both are having the exact same issue. I can edit all of them just fine in the Admin panel, but they actual pages will not create for either on the web site. Does anyone have any idea on this one?