I’m assisting a school with several issues related to their current site and theme. I’ve inherited this issue and the original web designers and admins are no longer involved and cannot be reached for assistance. Caveat- most of my experience is with Divi.
The site is running the current version of WP and the Astra theme. When I go to the left menu in the dashboard, there are no links under Appearance to themes and there is no link to Plug-ins, Users and other important navigation.
Element is installed and I only know this because I can see the Elementor button.
I have no access to their servers with means no FTP access.
Any idea how I can restore the left navigation bar to its proper original settings? I have a screenshot available.
]]>For several months that I have this problem and I cannot find a way to fix it.
I have several themes installed on my wordpress but I cannot select/activate any of them to use.
I’m my “Appearance > Themes” menu only shows the existent theme that I’m currently using all the others are missing.
Does anyway knows where is the installed themes?
Normally where bellow the currently in use one.
So – basically the site I work on works fine, then when I visit my site a few days later it is just a blank screen, when I log into wp I see the error message that my active theme is missing.
When I log into my ftp the theme is also missing from the themes folder.
In both cases it has been on the same server (different wp-installations), hosted by one.com. The only modifications done to the theme were some minor css changes, so the themes couldn’t been broken.
I have contacted the host, they have no idea.. I have run virus scans, but nothing found.
Does anyone have an idea of what this could be?
]]>This is a blog about a young man’s mid-century adventure in Australia. The blog has many pictures as well as several themes. The theme header I used is gourmet-cafe. It allows for interchangeable headers. All the themes show up in the theme gallery but in name only. There are red x’s where the images should be.
This just happened without warning and I sure didn’t do anything to the blog.
Can you help?
]]>I’ve cleared my browser cache, but I don’t know what else to do. Help?
]]>I have several blogs and some are affected and some are not. I just went in to modify my blog and I realized that my themes are all gone from the presentation area. They are also not showing when you go to my folder using IE. For example https://www.todaysmodernmother.com/wp-content/themes Only three show up there and I have three themes in that folder when looking at my site in Dreamweaver. I have tried deleting them and reloading and that doesn’t work.
This blog of mine doesn’t seem to be affected at all https://www.barefootpixie.com/blog but this one is https://www.mommymatters.mbdblog.com as well as my main blog https://www.todaysmodernmother.com and this one https://www.myhopechild.com
These are all blogs that I had customized my graphics and css files. In fact my customized graphics are still showing up but I cannot edit them. In presentation it says my theme is uploaded but the template file is missing. My template file shows up looking at the file in dreamweaver. I tried finding it in IE and I got this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_header() in /home/mbdblogc/public_html/modmom/wp-content/themes/juicy/index.php on line 3
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? How can I get my themes back or at least my main themes so that I can edit the graphics. Help???
]]>I have a main site with an alias site under it that I uploaded wordpress to and then uploaded several plugins and a theme to the alias site. My ftp manager shows the plugins and theme in the correct places but I cannot see them or use them in wordpress and they do not show up when I use Dreamweaver to look at the remote site.
Any suggestions on what I may be overlooking or have done wrong
Thanks BQ