I couldn’t find any other mention of people using accordions, but I have headers as accordion titles and also headers within the hidden content that I need to get working with TOC.
1. Even if the accordion titles are wrapped in header tags, TOC doesn’t read them
2. If I instead keep the accordion titles wrapped in divs and instead put the title inside of the accordion content with header tags, TOC can read it, but of course the anchor link doesn’t work because it doesn’t open the accordions.
Is there a good work around for this?
]]>Is there anyway to get the TOC to show headers that are in accordions? I have lots of headers that are the accordion titles, I’m using https://plugins.twinpictures.de/plugins/collapse-o-matic/ and the titles are set as <h2>, but then the TOC doesn’t seem to see them and won’t list them.
Appreciate the help!
]]>Thank you for taking the time to read my email, my site has been working fine for a few years now thanks to your wonderful theme.
1) However recently it faced a major problem, the header 2, 3 and so fourth started to disappear whenever I view the website. The headers are there when highlighted but not visible to the user.
Attached are the following links
As seen on WordPress
As seen on the site
As seen on the site after I highlighted the texts
2) Also, I recently tried to add a footer to my enigma-child theme and can no longer do that like in the past.
May I ask for help to solve the two problems, please? Any help is greatly appreciated
]]>my website is thomassevensma.com
Any assistance or direction you can provide would be appreciated.
Tom Sevensma
]]>All the menu headers are missing from the top of the home page and also the other four pages.