The plugin allows to set the maximum number of characters (Maxlength), but not the minimum number (Minlength) or the exact number (Pattern).
Is there any way to set this rule?
]]>I’ve just noticed that minlength in the phone box of the form is not working – it allows sending the form even if you just leave it with “+48”, which is pre-typed. I tried removing the pre-typed text, but the it still allows sending if there is at least one character in the box (despite “minlength:12″ in the form).
I’m pasting the form code below:
<h4 style=”color:#ff5e00;text-align:center;margin-top:25px; margin-bottom:20px;”>FORMULARZ ZAPISóW</h4>
<h6 style=”text-align:center;”>*Pola obowi?zkowe</h6>
<div style=”width:100%;text-align:center;”>
<div style=”text-align: center;margin: 0 auto;display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;justify-content: space-between;”>
<div style=”width: 49%; color:#858585;”>
<label>*Imi? i nazwisko </label>
<label>*Adres e-mail [email* your-email placeholder “”]</label>
<label>*Telefon [tel* your-phone minlength:12 “+48”]</label>
<!– NIEAKTYWNE KURSY: “Akt w Rysunku” “Grupa Otwarta Plenerowa” “Komiks w Pigu?ce” “Kreatywne Spojrzenie: Pe?nia Wra?eń” “Pastele w Plenerze” “Rysunek w Pigu?ce” “Rysowanie G?owy” “Rysunek do Podstaw 2” “?wiadome Tworzenie” “Wakacyjne Wyzwania Malarskie” “Wprowadzenie do Rysowania Postaci” –>
<label>*Kurs (wybierz z listy) [select* menu-courses include_blank “A Jednak Umiem Rysowa?” “Grupa Otwarta” “Grupa Otwarta Dzieci?ca (11-14)” “Komiks od Podstaw” “Ma?y-Wielki Artysta (5-7)” “Ma?y-Wielki Artysta+ (8-10)” “Przygotowanie na ASP” “Rysunek od Podstaw” “Rysunek [nie ca?kiem] od Podstaw” “Wprowadzenie do Malarstwa 1” “Wprowadzenie do Malarstwa 2” “Zaj?cia Indywidualne” “Inne”]</label>
<label>*Grupa (zanim wybierzesz sprawd? TERMINY KURSóW) </label>
[acceptance accept-this-1 acceptance_as_validation: on]*Jestem osob? pe?noletni?.[/acceptance]
[acceptance accept-this-2 acceptance_as_validation: on] *Zapozna?em si? z REGULAMINEM szko?y i akceptuj? jego tre??.[/acceptance]
<h6 style=”margin-top: 30 px; color:#858585;”> Wyra?am zgod? na przetwarzanie moich danych w zakresie:</h6>
<div style=”text-align: left; margin-left: 15%;”>
[checkbox* zgody-zapis “*Zapisów”]
[checkbox zgody-oferta “Oferty”]
[checkbox zgody-materialy “Materia?ów dodatkowych”]
<div style=”width: 49%; color:#858585;”>
<h4>[checkbox checkbox-dziecko “Chc? zapisa? dziecko”] </h4>
[group zapis-dziecka]
<h6> <div style=”color:#858585;”>
<label>*Imi? i nazwisko dziecka </label>
<label>*Wiek dziecka </label>
<label>Adres e-mail dziecka [email child-email placeholder “”]</label>
<label>Telefon dziecka [tel child-phone “+48″]</label>
<label style=”color:#858585;”> Dodatkowe uwagi [textarea your-message] </label>
<div class=”button-align-right” style=”margin-top:10px; width: 100%; color:#858585;”>
[submit “Wy?lij”]
<h6 style=”text-align:right; margin-right:100px;”>Przed wys?aniem upewnij si?, czy wype?nione s? wszystkie pola oznaczone “*” </h6>
I got a little frustrated trying to make the tags work on regular fields.
]]>[number* CreditCardNumber minlength:16 maxlength:17]
]]>A zero-character submission is accepted. If 1 to 9 characters is submitted (minlength=10, in this case), it is blocked as expected.
I am receiving spam from bots that leave the textarea blank.
]]>Per your documentation
If the minlength is not met it should cause the field to error. It is not doing this and allows the form to be submitted and does not show an error message below the field.
[text* zipcode minlength:5]
The user can put in just one number, and it passes the validation and show no error message.
Expected Outcome:
When the user does not meet the required minlength the field should not pass validation and show the error message below the field.
After some experimentation, I have found that the minlength parameter on a tel field does not work when someone enters a single zero as the telephone number. For example if I use:
[tel* your-phone minlength:8]
and I enter a telephone number of 5 digits and click on Send, I get the error message
The field is too short.
as expected.
But if I enter a telephone number of 0 (just the single digit zero) then click on Send, I do not get this error message. It seems to treat zero as satisfying the “required” nature of the field (tel*) but it does not correctly detect that the number is too short. I have replaced tel* with tel but it still does not detect any error on the length of zero.
Is there some trick so that the field is judged too short when someone just types a single zero?
]]><label for="project-description"><em>*</em>Describe your project (maximum 1024 characters).</label>
[textarea* project-description minlength:8 maxlength:1024 placeholder "Describe your project"]<p> Characters left: [count project-description down]</p></div>
However, the count doesn’t change when text is entered — it just says ‘1024’ no matter how much text is entered. If you remove the ‘down’ attribute, it just says ‘0’.
Also, as has been pointed out on other support threads, the minlength option is not available in the GUI.
I checked for script conflicts using Developer Tools, but see none.
]]>It is very important for some projects and there is maxlength implemented but no minlength.
Thanks in advance!