I have this and I want to put it into the form I use:
<form name=”myform”>
<textarea rows=”15″ name=”w” cols=”45″ object.onkeyup=”cnt(this,document.myform.c)”></textarea>
Word Count: <input type=”text” name=”c” value=”0″ size=”5″
object.onkeyup=”cnt(document.myform.w,this)” />
Text area rows and cols are not imperative, what matters is the counting of the words. We use this form for our little newspaper and we’re looking for a way our customers can submit an ad online but we need to count the words in order to charge the appropriate price.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>The goal was to have clients access a registration form from a widget in the sidebar, submit their info, get an email asking them to verify their email address, while I get a notification that someone has just signed up and I need to approve them, and once I login and approve them as a “client”, they receive an email letting them know they are approved with a temporary password.
Plugins used: Sidebar Login –> Simplr User Registration Form Plus –> New User Approve –> and Register Plus Redux, which I deactivated because it seemed useless.
It’s working fine except admin isn’t receiving notification emails and user is being sent a temporary password BEFORE approval.
I don’t know php, but I suspect that the FIX is too simple to hire someone to alter it. I think this is the problem code. Any suggestions?
//notify admin of new user
$userdata = get_userdata( $user_id );
$data = array_merge( (array) $userdata->data , $data );
$extra = "Please check your email for confirmation.";
$extra = apply_filters('simplr_extra_message', __($extra,'simplr-reg') );
$confirm = '<div class="simplr-message success">Your Registration was successful. '.$extra .'</div>';
//Use this hook for multistage registrations
do_action('simplr_reg_next_action', array($data, $user_id, $confirm));
//return confirmation message.
return apply_filters('simplr_reg_confirmation', $confirm);
function simplr_send_notifications($atts, $data, $passw) {
global $simplr_options;
$site = get_option('siteurl');
$name = get_option('blogname');
$user_name = @$data['username'];
$email = @$data['email'];
$notify = @$atts['notify'];
$emessage = @$atts['message'];
$headers = "From: $name" . ' <' .get_option('admin_email') .'> ' ."\r\n\\";
wp_mail($notify, "A new user registered for $name", "A new user has registered for $name.\rUsername: $user_name\r Email: $email \r",$headers);
$emessage = $emessage . "\r\r---\r";
if(!isset($data['password'])) {
$emessage .= "You should login and change your password as soon as possible.\r\r";
$emessage .= "Username: $user_name\r";
$emessage .= (isset($data['fbuser_id']))?'Registered with Facebook':"Password: $passw\rLogin: $site";
if( @$simplr_options->mod_on == 'yes' AND @$simplr_options->mod_activation == 'auto') {
$data['blogname'] = get_site_option('blogname');
$data['link'] = get_home_url( $blog_id, '/?activation_key='.$data['activation_key'] );
$content = simplr_token_replace( $simplr_options->mod_email, $data );
$subject = simplr_token_replace( $simplr_options->mod_email_subj, $data );
$headers = "From: ".get_option('admin_email')." \n";
wp_mail( $data['user_email'], $subject, $content, $headers);
} else {
$emessage = simplr_token_replace( $emessage, $data );
wp_mail($data['email'],"$name - Registration Confirmation", apply_filters('simplr_email_confirmation_message',$emessage), $headers);
]]>This plug-in has been working all along. But about 2 months ago, the image does not appear. I can’t remember what I did, it could be due to a conflict with other anti-spam plugins I was trying out. But I have since uninstalled all other plugins except Easy COntact and Akismet. I have tried uninstall and reinstall SI Captcha several times, even completely removed it, and then download and manually upload it again. I have also tried all the trouble-shootings as suggested by the Plugin’s FAQ: file permissions are ok, the php installation does support captcha. I have no more clue as to what to do.
My URL is: https://fsp.paulines.ph/?p=740 (comment form)
Any help from anyone would be much appreciated.
]]>Marcia and I recently started our blog site: https://www.wolfnowl.com using WordPress and we’re having a ball with it. So, many thanks to everyone at WordPress!
]]>Here is the website