Our backup migration failed.
Debug code is: BMI-MDPkagy3-95798
]]>My migration failed and this is my debug code: BMI-LvArGwNW-99326, can you please advise and help?
Hope to hear from you soon, thank you and have a nice day.
I was migrating from a digital ocean droplet to a bluehost installation (maybe that’s the issue). Backup succeeded but restore failed.
]]>migration failed at https://ruba-hausbau.de/
from: https://arthouse39.de/projekt7/
debug code : BMI-wopjfUVV-53136
thank you for help!
best regards, Ina
]]>The Plugin could not be reached on the source site.
I am using “Migration Key” But migration didn’t work.
]]>I am trying to restore migrate my website, but it fails at 98% and tells me it’s a database connection error. It completely blocks the site and I cannot access my wordpress control panel or the website. I had to remove my wordpress instalation completely and install it from beggining. I then tried on your test site for backups and they said there’s an error. This is the debug code: BMI-fbfSdIOJ-51027. I made a backup of my old site that expired in the hosting, so I cannot make a new backup. Please help!
]]>We are investigating this issue and will update when we have fixed this issue.