What I wish to do is have a custom page (for example, “dbtest.php”) and pull meta values from the WP database. I’m only being partially successful. All the data I need is in the usermeta table. At this time, I don’t need to join any other tables.
I need to return the meta values for the following meta keys:
I only want to return the records where one, two, or three of the three textarea fields have values.
Following is the code I’m using that partially works. I’m having two major issues.
// Return Metadata ONLY.
$IDmax = $wpdb->get_results("select max(user_id) FROM $wpdb->usermeta");
for ($x = 0; $x <= 18; $x++) {
$results1 = get_user_meta( $x, 'first_name', true );
$results2 = get_user_meta( $x, 'last_name', true );
$results3 = get_user_meta( $x, 'nickname', true );
$results4 = get_user_meta( $x, 'textarea_zknsk', true );
$results5 = get_user_meta( $x, 'textarea_o0nn8', true );
$results6 = get_user_meta( $x, 'textarea_fjy8e', true );
echo "<pre><strong>First Name: </strong>";
print_r($results1);echo "</br>";
echo "<strong>Last Name: </strong>";
print_r($results2);echo "</br>";
echo "<strong>Nickname: </strong>";
print_r($results3);echo "</br>";
echo "<strong>Board Member Notes: </strong>";
print_r($results4);echo "</br>";
echo "<strong>Board Secretary Notes: </strong>";
print_r($results5);echo "</br>";
echo "<strong>Board Treasurer Notes: </strong>";
print_r($results6);echo "</pre>";
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
]]>A search for information turns up something to do with the new block editor. (Not verified.) Installed classic editor, but am really rusty with it. Not able to adjust the site using it.
Need help in getting functionality back in the site. It worked just a couple of days ago. Updates happened, and now ……….
]]>Firstly great plugin and the support provided is very impressive.
I’ve gone through most of the topics, videos etc but can’t seem to find a solution to a problem I have.
I have a form which gathers data and records it separately in wp_form_items and wp_form_item_metas. (This is what is causing the problem, not your plugin).
I want to publish the meta_values from wp_form_item_metas, which are related to each other, horizontally.
Currently when using Data Publisher the meta_values are published vertically and it’s not clear how they are related.
It will be, for example, Name, Date, ID No. Document Type, Person Registering.
I hope that makes sense and thank you in advance for any advice.
]]>I have exported some products along with their meta and it’s ok, everything showing up on the csv file.
But after that, I delete the products and use the same file to import it back to WC.
I’ve mapped the “Meta: vars” to be “Imported as metadata” but I had no success following the guidelines provided in the official documentation, using the same csv generated from WC Export.
Please, I need some advice.
Thanks for the awesome stuff you make!
]]>I have three meta keys I’d like to use: video_length, video_date, and video_author. They individually work, but I can only get one to work at a time. I tried a simple block copy of the code with the value names swapped out, but that didn’t work. Just got error messages.
My knowledge of PHP is limited so I’m unsure how to structure the code for more than one meta value. I’m sure I’m missing something simple. Could someone help me out with the syntax of adding multiple meta values?
]]>Meta details like this:
nonce: 3a314e6eec
quantity: 1
ppec-add-to-cart: 13215
product_id: 13215
variation_id: 13310
I don’t have this situation with other payment gateway plugins and also not with paypal standard. Just PayPal Checkout is producing this meta values in every order position.
Any idea how I can fix this to get rid of this details in the single position of the order?
]]>Within this table, there are meta keys such as “stars-rating_rating” and “stars-rating_votes” which I would like to incorporate into my W4 Post Lists to display these values.
However, incorporating this code into my lists doesn’t work: [post_meta value=”stars-rating_rating” multiple=”0″]
I have also tried: [post_meta value=”_gdrts_stars-rating_rating” multiple=”0″] (at the request of the developer of the rating system, and this doesn’t work either)
My question is, does this “post_meta value” script only work to pull info form Advanced Custom Fields created fields, or can it be used to pull data from other tables such as the GD Rating System as well? And if it can be done, how can I achieve this?
Thank you for your help!
]]>when I have a multiselect field and I look into the database what the user has selected I find a datastructure like this one:
a:1:{i:0;s:15:"the selected option";}
I want to understand what a:1 and i:0 and s:15 means?
Can someone help me please?
For instance, one request would be:
The category of the post is ‘tracks’, the custom field key is ‘participant’, and and the custom field value is ‘Zadie Xa’. The custom field value would be passed by the post title.
From this call, I would like to retrieve the post “count”, i.e., the number of posts within the ‘tracks’ category that are associated with a particular participant (marked by a custom field on the post).
Is there an API request that will return this?
Thanks, and let me know if anything needs clarification.
]]>After upgrading to 4.6, I’m finding that templates that insert meta values are no longer inserting anything.
This is the code my templates currently use (or previously used!) to call the ecpt_headline meta value:
<?php if((genesis_get_custom_field('ecpt_headline', true))) { ?>
<?php echo genesis_get_custom_field('ecpt_headline'); ?>
<?php } ?>
(As you can see I’m using Genesis.)
Is there an obvious fix — or an obvious cause? Has something changed which affects how meta boxes should be registered, or how the output should be handled? Or both? Or neither?
Not sure if it helps at all but this is an example of a page without its meta values — until I upgraded to 4.6, there was a headline, subheadline and picture at the top, with a (manually entered) author credit after the ‘BY’.
Any tips much appreciated!