Fire in My Bones has a fair amount of daily reader activity. Wavelengths does not. My client wants to keep the CONTENT, AND THE READERS/SUBSCRIBERS/FOLLOWERS of FIRE intact but he wants to convert it to the WAVELENGTHs theme, and begin using the wavelengths address to access it.
At the same time he wants those who are accustomed to going to, or who have shortcuts/links to that address to be directed to the wavelengths blog (which has retained all the current content, readers, followers, subscribers of the fire blog).
Can this be done? If so, how?
]]>I have multiple blogs with this configuration:,, etc., etc.
And would like to merge with, which is multi-site enabled. This network site will become the “master” and the others the “slaves”.
Is that possible and if so how?
I’ve done a lot of search but the given solutions look very intimidating and complicated. Easy to get lost. One mistake and everything breaks…. There must be a smarter way to make it happen.
]]>I started a regular wordpress blog about a year and a half ago ( [site A].
About 5 months ago, a buddy and I started a podcast ( [site B].
The podcast has taken off much more than the blog. But what I would like to do is sort of merge the two but in a very specific way.
Is there a way to make a page on site B into simply site A? In other words, have our podcast website remain mostly the same, but have a page (maybe called articles) that is site A? That way, if anyone types in the domain for site A, it will automatically take them to the specific article page on site B? I hope I’m making sense.
Is there a way to merge the two WP blogs and have two feeds? One for blog, one for podcast? Essentially the same as option 1 I guess?
In any case, the idea is to be able to create an articles section in our podcast website to that is my current blog website. Any help would be great. THanks.
]]>I’ve been thinking about integrating the two, but would like to keep them somewhat separate if it’s possible.
I saw the “blog in blog” plugin, but was wondering if anyone knows if the blog within the blog has a separate RSS in case people only want to subscribe to one of the feeds?
Would people have the option to subscribe to both the homepage feed AND the “blog in blog” feed?
Or does anyone know how this works?? Or is my question even making sense?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I’m running a couple different blogs on my website. The information on the blogs are different and it wouldn’t make sense for me to merge them (at least I don’t know how I could get it to workout). I wanted to feature “recent post” from one blog on the other blog.
I’ve looked around but haven’t found a good plug-in that would let me do that.
Can someone point me in the right direction? I have a decent understanding of Php, Css, etc. but not enough to make my own plug-in.
Thanks in advance for any help that’s provided.