For now only the fields of *|FNAME|*, *|LNAME|*, *|ADDRESS|*, and of course *|EMAIL|* are working.
But how can I make the other custom fields also merge?
I found a snippet that I tried, but it doesn’t work:
If with your help I can make it work, then I would also like to merge other custom fields such as “billing_wooccm18” which I also have already created in the mailchimp forms as “|MERGE6|“
I appreciate your help.
Is this related or is there some other reason I cant Merge print?
]]>Field1: [acf field = “Video_Poster_Path”]
Field2: [acf field = “Video_Link”]
Field3: [acf field = “Merged_HTML”]
The 3rd field would look like:
<video poster="[acf field= "Video_Poster_Path"]"
controls="controls" controlsList=”nodownload” width="880"">
<source src="[acf field = "Video_Link"]" type="video/mp4">
and b.) how ?
IF this has to be done via a function, what would that function look like ?
While this is not my first rodeo, I am not as up to speed with PHP. It’s been a minute since I last looked at php directly. So…help ?
Oh and I’m working with the free version not the pro.
Thanks In Advance.
function and specify the dependencies. However, when I enable script aggregation in Autoptimize, my own scripts are loaded before the external ones. How can I preserve the original order? Any solution would be fine, including writing a custom plugin to address the issue.
]]>This update should not have been released with so many bugs. v6.0.1.1
]]>we have the most recent plugin version installed and the following settings applied:
Despite these settings all JS and all CSS code goes into one merged file, which breaks the site:
Is it a bug or do I get sth. wrong?