I have created a custom trigger and I want to pass an HTML table in a merge tag.
When I do that, the merge tag output does not contain any HTML, just plain text, while the rest of the email allows HTML.
Is there a filter I could use to remove the HTML filtering of the merge tag?
Best regards,
Log di debug
[2021-12-03 13:27:27] ERROR: WPForms > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– BIRTHDAY : Please enter a value
PATCH https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/0e14c82fd3/members/34c8d8088bed86192a6d250a550adece
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”0875f514-a386-aa4c-c527-0e22b60dc983″,”errors”:[{“field”:”BIRTHDAY”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
[2021-12-29 16:09:05] ERROR: WPForms > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– FNAME : Please enter a value
– LNAME : Please enter a value
– BIRTHDAY : Please enter a value
POST https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/0e14c82fd3/members
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”e602db43-7755-6a4f-857c-7a686d698723″,”errors”:[{“field”:”FNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”LNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”BIRTHDAY”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
[2022-04-12 18:51:14] ERROR: WPForms > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– FNAME : Please enter a value
– LNAME : Please enter a value
POST https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/0e14c82fd3/members
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”fa115092-104b-06d4-6a8f-a221ce0ca5b2″,”errors”:[{“field”:”FNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”LNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
[2022-04-12 18:57:34] ERROR: WPForms > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– FNAME : Please enter a value
– LNAME : Please enter a value
POST https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/0e14c82fd3/members
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”e9615836-1d77-55b5-eae8-a1af42681611″,”errors”:[{“field”:”FNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”LNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
[2022-04-12 19:06:30] ERROR: WPForms > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– FNAME : Please enter a value
– LNAME : Please enter a value
POST https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/0e14c82fd3/members
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”3910f063-904f-06a5-10a2-6c618985fe3a”,”errors”:[{“field”:”FNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”LNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
[2022-04-12 19:11:32] ERROR: WPForms > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– FNAME : Please enter a value
– LNAME : Please enter a value
POST https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/0e14c82fd3/members
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”7b4866fa-ed48-fa64-2148-c6d39baa545c”,”errors”:[{“field”:”FNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”LNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
[2022-04-12 19:12:46] ERROR: WPForms > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– FNAME : Please enter a value
– LNAME : Please enter a value
POST https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/0e14c82fd3/members
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”19de51db-6af1-2d76-2102-780c28698add”,”errors”:[{“field”:”FNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”LNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
[2022-04-12 19:15:27] WARNING: WPForms > kado***@ya***.it is already subscribed to the selected list(s)
[2022-04-12 22:50:51] ERROR: WPForms > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– FNAME : Please enter a value
– LNAME : Please enter a value
POST https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/0e14c82fd3/members
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”30122883-b900-467f-361d-3cec43ba4dc5″,”errors”:[{“field”:”FNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”LNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
[2022-04-13 00:35:24] WARNING: WPForms > elis**********@li****.it is already subscribed to the selected list(s)
[2022-04-13 11:21:55] WARNING: WPForms > virg*****@gm***.com is already subscribed to the selected list(s)
[2022-04-14 20:46:27] WARNING: WPForms > kado***@ya***.it is already subscribed to the selected list(s)
I create custom notification for product. when user add product in cart. We send notification. but i cannot see any merge tags like post type products. can i add post types to my custom notification.
]]>Is there a Merge Tag that I can use to set this value?
]]>From there I followed the code at https://docs.bracketspace.com/notification/developer/triggers/adding-merge-tags-to-existing-triggers
But I am not able to get the post id of my custom post type from the trigger object. I need it in order to get post metadata. Is there something I’m missing? I get a php error that the property doesn’t exists.
]]>In my case, i would like to simply display the subscription length maybe through a new merge tag.
Any idea how can i do that ? I have basic php notion …
Thanks in advance,
]]>Firstly thanks for creating such a great plugin! It’s saving me a lot of time with a particular workflow
I’ve got the following shortcode instance that I’m inserting as a default value for a GravityForm field:
[gravitywp_count formid=’39’ filter_field=’16’ filter_value='{GroupId:16}’ filter_field2=’24’ filter_operator2=’isnot’ filter_value2=’Inactive’ number_field=’25’]
For whatever reason it seems that the filter {GroupId:16} is being ignored however when I’m using the same shortcode on GravityView it works perfectly.
What gives?
]]>I use the notification plugin for sending a mail when a user changed his profile (created with the Ultimate Member plugin). Usually, in the mail templates by Ultimate member I can use tags like these:
– {usermeta:membership_level}
– {usermeta:iban}
In the mails of the notification plugin those tags are not being resolved. On https://docs.ultimatemember.com/article/158-umuser I read that those fields can be obtained on the server side PHP code. So, I am wondering if there is any way to get those tags to work in the mails of the notification plugin.
Any advice on this topic is very much appreciated!