Order | Client Name | Product Qty | Product Name
5567 | Client 1 | 2 | Product 1
5567 | Client 1 | 5 | Product 2
5567 | Client 1 | 1 | Product 3
6783 | Client 2 | 7 | Product 1
6783 | Client 2 | 1 | Product 6
6783 | Client 2 | 3 | Product 4
The table can look more like this:
Order | Client Name | Product Qty | Product Name
| | 2 | Product 1
5567 | Client 1 | 5 | Product 2
| | 1 | Product 3
| | 7 | Product 1
6783 | Client 2 | 1 | Product 6
| | 3 | Product 4
Looking fwd to your comments.
Kind regards!
A small feedback: your plugin is really cool, and I almost paid money for it, but it missing the merge cells feature. The issue is that many tables with data have sub-column headers. For-example:
Main room Guest room ?
21 34
34 15
Probably subheader feature is simplier to do than the merge cells feauture. But it’s needed indeed in one way or another
]]>I just want to thank you for this great plugin. I have just installed and started using it, and I found something which I don’t know if it is a bug or not. It is the merge cells feature in the advance table block.
When I merge the second column’s fields using SHIFT (see image), I cannot merge both fields of the third column. I tried SHIFT or CTRL and none of them worked. This is what it shows when I select both fields from the third column. It selects everything from the second column, third column and part of the fourth column. Why is this happening?
I thank you if you could help me.
]]>How can I merge cells?
Note: I will be using a responsive table or fixed (left) column table.
Thank you in advance.
]]>But merging cells is not possible now.
I’m wondering if anybody’s got a suggested workaround for this? My table has a number of sections and I want to be able to label the heading for each section.
Thanks in advance.