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]]>I have installed and activated the Max Mega Menu, and have been trying to figure out how to do the same thing with this plugin. It doesn’t appear that there is a way to do that with this plugin. Does anyone know if this can be accomplished with Max Mega Menu?
]]>However in the sidebar the subitems are there and i want to see them after hover the parent item, at this moment i try the folowing css code that show the subitems after clicking the parent item
.sub-menu ul {
display: none;
.current-menu-item .sub-menu,
.current-menu-item .sub-menu ul ,
.current-menu-parent .sub-menu,
.current-menu-ancestor .sub-menu {
display: block;
Does somebody know a sollution instead of clicking the parent item the subitems are view by hovering the parent?
Thank you in advance!
]]>See attached PDF with the link structure for better understanding of the problem. or
(Same PDF in both cases, added for redundancy)
In this case I want to reuse the page “Item 3” that is generic for all pages. But I still want the sidebar widget meny to show Topic 1 is the user clicked on Topic 1, Topic 2 if the user clicked on Topic 2 etc.
The problem that I am having is that if I use a generic “Item 3” then the menu feature will disappear when the user clicks on it and only show “Item 3” without a menu and I am not able to add a submenu to “Item 3” since “Item 1” and “Item 2” will be specific for every individual topic.
Thanks for your help!
]]>I currently have it set to show in the footer using the Menu Widget, and still nothing except the widget h3 is visible. See here:
This is my functions.php, and here is my header.php.
Help is greatly appreciated!