I need to know the exact typography used by the navigation menu in the slider in order to match my other content.
Also I read a post here in which someone asked wether it was possible to only use the menu section of the slider. I tried foe hours and it does not seem possible to do this.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Also, under the Silver fox catering feature box under the full image i want to be able to write a company profile.
]]>Can someone provide insight into how to reorder the menu sections? It seems that no matter how each menu section is added, sections are sorted into alphabetical order automatically.
]]>I have set up a site on 3 languages and I have one problem. When I put one language as primary there is no problem with item order as I managed it in menu section. But if I don*t put any language as primary then the order of menu is not as set in menu section.
For example:
When English is set as primary everything is in logical order as set in menu section: About us, Gallery, Contact…
But when I don*t set any primary, i have function of menu in 3 languages, but there is no order. Example: Gallery, About us, Contact…
Can you please help me how can I fix this?
Thankful in advance!
]]>i would like to add an image to any of the menu sections. Is there a way to add a custom field to the sections-data?
Cheers, Volker
]]>I’m playing with restaurant menu custom post type currently and I’ve got this PHP notice: “Notice: Undefined variable: term_id in …wp-content\plugins\jetpack\modules\custom-post-types\nova.php on line 965” (https://awesomescreenshot.com/00d3uts058 https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/master/modules/custom-post-types/nova.php#L965)
Here is what I’ve done: