I have tried everything: I’ve fooled around with the Menus and followed Organic Themes instructions for adding “Custom Links” that will auto-generate the icons then I placed them in the “Social Menu,” but nothing shows up. I tried using Custom Links in the Main Menu, and it just makes text links. I tried removing my “Metaslider” Carousel I added into the Header *.php code, but no change. The only thing I could get to show up was a “Social Icons” widget from Jetpack in the “Default Sidebar,” but I refuse to use it because it makes a second very wide menu to the right that squishes my site in between two menus only for a few small icons. I’ve also cleared my cache, and all my plugins, theme, browser, php, etc. are up to date.
Please is there anything I can do? A plugin I can install? Some code I can paste somewhere? I’ll try anything to get these icons to show up at the bottom of the Main Menu.
Can you help please?
I created menu and set as MAIN but is not working, the menu is only showing for mobile. Can you check please?
I can see this same issue was raised 2 years ago, but I see no solution there.
When I change the header style on OceanWP, there is only one style that shows the menu: full screen, none of the other options display the menu. (The full screen option is something I definitely wouldn’t like to use).
Do you have a solution or at least some tips for a workaround? Both OceanWP and the lms plugin would be important for my website.
]]>The only way I could fix it was to disable the minify setting in W3 Total Cache.
Is there anyway to still allow minify but not have it effect my main menu showing?