Using WordPress Plugin Installation, UpdraftPlus does install, but on activation disappears from Plugin page.
The only way to see it is to go to Filemanager and delete it from there.
It does not show up on Plugin page.
I can see it installed on MainWP, but cannot delete it from MainWP central management site.
Any ideas?
]]>Okay, not sure what is going on. This was working fine last time I checked (a few months ago), and I just expected everything was running smoothly. But it isn’t.
So here’s what is going on.
1. Installed Updraft plugin is not showing up in plugins list.
2. Menu item does not show up
3. BUT… plugin is showing up in mainwp console (in fact this is the only place I can delete it)
4. AND… plugin is represented as installed and activated when I try to Add Plugin again.
After more tests than I care to admit…
1. Plugin can only be removed by way of mainwp console
2. Plugin can be “installed” on either the url itself, or by way of mainwp.
3. Plugin shows up as “installed” on both
4. As soon as plugin is Activated, it disappears from all menus.
This is happening on a dozen sites consistently. Running Sucuri shows no problems. There are no user problems associated with any of the sites. Wordfence has shown no anomalies associated with an attack or compromise. Sites are running a mixture of:
1. Sucuri
2. Wordfence
3. Mainwp
4. Mailjet client
5. Jetpack
7. Duplicator
8. Ultimate addons for Gutenberg
9. Yoast
Potentially a few other, depending on the site. There are no other interaction issues that seem to be occurring, and no new plugins have been added in several months.
I’ve tried deleting the plugin, confirming there are no residual files/folders associated with Updraft, reinstalling “local” to the URL, and “remote” via mainwp. All methods seem to produce the same problem.
Any help?
]]>I’m using the free version of Parallax Pro and while putting everything together today, the top and bottom menu have disappeared. Everything else works fine. I’ve tried to delete menus and add new ones, have no menu, etc..
Before my chosen menu would have the words typed out at the header and footer. Now even with those chosen, all that shows up is the menu tab that pops out on the right.
Trying to go live in a few days…help!!
]]>1) The menu has disappeared on two occasions with no particular provocation.
2) The menu appeared twice, one above the other with the search requester in between them.
The first issue has required me to rebuild the menu. The first time I tried to give it the same name and was told by an error message that name existed, although it was not visible. So I created another menu with a different name.
When the menu appeared twice in the same column I had to delete it, then create it again.
To me WordPress seems rather fragile and easy to break.
]]>Problem: we were hacked and URL’s were injected like crazy. Got that all cleaned up and in order to amp up the security to avoid this in future, I had to update our WP version to 4.1.1. (I backed everything up prior to doing so.) After updating WP, our Primary / Main menu (and the graphic/image that made up the menu) that used to be on the top right corner of each page is gone. Obvously I went in to Appearances > Menu’s and tried that stuff – but “Main” menu is still selected to be the ‘primary’ menu. The css stylesheet doesn’t appear to have been touched in the update – so what is the possible conflict here?
I have done the deactivation and reactivation of plugins one at a time, hard refresh, etc. Can someone help please?
]]>I’ve tried emptying the caches and deactivating / reactivating the plug ins one by one (and have deleted Contact form 7) but it hasn’t reappeared.
Any ideas?
Thank you very much for your help.
]]>I checked on another browser and another laptop. All missing. WTF?! This is crazy! Can someone possibly help me?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Working menu:
Non working menu:
I use custom post types. I have a custom type called “issues.”
I use the following code to make the custom post type “issues” to display in the categories and tags pages. Without this code if you click on a catagory or tag and this code is not in the functions file the “issues” post type articles do not show hope.
add_filter(‘pre_get_posts’, ‘query_post_type’);
function query_post_type($query) {
if(is_category() || is_tag()) {
$post_type = get_query_var(‘post_type’);
$post_type = $post_type;
$post_type = array(‘post’,’issue’);
return $query;
The problem is that with this code the menu does not look right on the tag and category pages. To say it disappears isn’t totally accurate, but it changes to a list, loses style, and the menu choices are different.
I’m pretty new to all of this so I apologize if I didn’t explain anything as well as I should have.