My boss wants to phase out elementor eventually hence the weird combo. Even with the older pages where it is completely designed on elementor like the menu bar and the content does not align
At WordPress Dashboard/Menu Themes when I change the font size of the Menu Bar, it will not work. Font size modification at Flyout Menus work properly. Please, let me know how to change the font size for the Menu Bar.
]]><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-5645"><a href="#about" class="elementor-item elementor-item-anchor elementor-item-active" aria-current="location">ABOUT</a></li>
My setting (3 images). It works under the preview but not when it goes live
What I don’t understand is that the direct menu is a copy of I just rebuild the items on the menu. The menu bar on there works perfectly
]]>I was wondering if there was a way to use a product category page (and the associated product pages within that) as a cascading menu bar from the front page.
(So far, the closest thing I see would be to create a new Menu item, then add the Categories, and add each product one at a time).
Thank you,
]]>I have searched the forum, but could not find a real solution to move the menu bar under the slider.
When I use this CSS code:
main-slider { position: relative; top: -80px; z-index: 3; }
then a box with the background color pushes the whole page hard to the bottom.
Is there no button in the customizer to say: Hey, I wanna the menu under the slider?
Or exists another better css code somehow?
AND… the mobile menu doesn’t work. As soon as I deactivate the AMP plugin then the mobile menu works perfectly. So this is an AMP problem with Vantage. What can I do to have a mobile menu and AMP?
We have two links links to RSS feeds on the right hand side of the menu bar of our website: POSTS and COMMENTS. I’m not sure how they got there but I now want to remove them. I can’t work out how to do this. I’d be grateful for any advice.
Thanks in anticipation.
No effect. Why not? [edit: just noticed it did center the text within each menu line item]
I don’t want to centre the whole navigation bar – which is already full-width – and I don’t want to centre individual menu items, I want to centre the row of menu items.
I tried several answers I found on this forum, but none apply in my case, because my theme uses different terminology. Using Chrome’s Developer Tools / “Inspect”, how can I copy the set of id’s and/or classes and/or elements needed for an “Additional CSS” rule to work?
Here’s an example of someone else’s solution:
@media screen and (min-width: 1020px) {
.navigation-classic .primary-navigation {
text-align: center;
.navigation-classic .primary-navigation ul {
display: inline-block;
I’ll enclose my rule in the same @media screen and (min-width:1020px) { } rule.