When I installed Hide My WP Ghost, I opted to hide the default MySQL database prefix and have it changed to a random string – it changed all tables to kykat_(table name) – the Ultimate Member plugin immediately lost contact with the proper database table even though it was still there, just renamed.
After reverting all instances of prefix change back to wp_ , and changing the wp-config.php to reflect the old prefix again, everything went back to normal.
So that’s what worked for me.
]]>I have comment thoses lines in the um-actions-profile.php file :
$can_view = apply_filters( 'um_profile_can_view_main', -1, um_profile_id() );
if ( $can_view == -1 ) {
} else { ?>
<div class="um-profile-note">
<i class="um-faicon-lock"></i>
<?php echo $can_view; ?>
<?php }
Whitout any success.
Thanks so much !
Is there any way to change the profile picture from circle to square on the members page and profile page?
I tried changing the CSS but every time there is an update my changes are overwritten
]]>How can I assign a tour to guide a user through setting up their member profile? Is there a way to do this? All of the pages that are available to choose from are just the static pages.
]]>The filtering feature that I added to the left side of the member search page is running, but the filter disappears when I change the order.
Default : https://prntscr.com/md5m6k
Order by change : https://prntscr.com/md5mnj
The filter is lost at the same time as pagination.
Thank you for your help.
]]>Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /web/htdocs/www.istituto-walden-aba.it/home/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/includes/admin/core/class-admin-forms.php on line 734
Any idea?
Tnx a lot,
P.s before the update is all working right and I have update the database as the request in the process of updating…
The profile cards aren’t displayed correctly and the members are all in one column. How do I fix this?