También hemos detectado el problema de que las lecciones y los módulos se desordenan.
Plugin instalados:
Sensei LMS 3.8.1
Sensei LMS Media Attachments 2.0.3
Sensei LMS Course Progress 2.0.3
The plugin works great – and does most of the work we need it to do.
However, when executing a multisite duplication, it does not duplicate any media attachments that are a part of our page. The media attachments are added to page section within the WPBakery Page Builder.
How can we make sure that the images are also duplicated as media attachments to a different site?
]]>Upon checking Search Console today, I noticed the problem has not been resolved.
– I currently have 452 ‘Submitted URL has crawl issues’ errors, all of which are image attachments.
– I also have 66 ‘Submitted URL not found (404)’, again, all of which are image attachments.
– The total number of errors is static, although some have transferred from the crawl type of error to the 404 error, which I assume is a good thing?
My questions: should I keep the purge plugin running? Is it actually working? Should I be worried about having 500+ errors which don’t seem to be going away?
Many thanks in advance.
We were affected by the Yoast bug that triggered hundreds of crawl errors for media attachments on our site. We installed the purge plugin but are still seeing errors 9 months later – despite Yoast saying it would only take 6 months. Please advise how we can resolve this asap.
Thanks for your help!
]]>When I do find a media attachment or tag indexed page within Google, I click on the link, and login to find that the Yoast meta box, still has it set to index and to follow by robots.
Why is my Yoast setting not going trough to all page son my website?
]]>How is it possible to set it as featured image or insert into post?
]]>Is there a way to add turning off comments for media attachments?
]]>I have been looking high and low for a solution, and have actually found a few posts on the matter. However, none of the solutions seem to be working for me—although I do think that they have gotten me close.
The problem
I am building a template(s) that should pull all the media (images and video—but maybe let’s just start with images associated with the current post/page and output them as list items in an
function add_flexslider() { // display attachment images as a flexslider gallery
$attachments = get_children(array('post_parent' => get_the_ID(), 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image','caption' => $attachment->post_excerpt, ));
if ($attachments) { // see if there are images attached to posting ?>
<!-- Begin Slider -->
<div class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
<?php // create the list items for images
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment_id => $attachment ) {
echo '<li>';
echo wp_get_attachment_image($attachment_id, 'large');
echo '</li>';
} ?>
<!-- End Slider -->
<?php } // end see if images
} // end add flexslider
Then I bring in the function like so: <?php add_flexslider(); ?>
So far this is not returning any results. I was playing around with different variations previously, and removing “post_parent’ => get_the_ID()” got it working, but it brought in ALL my images in a carousel so crazy it would make your head spin!
Additional Concerns
I am using this code for a dev. site, so all of the post/page images are actually hyperlinks to the live site. Should this make a difference? Also, all images were inserted/published right through the WordPress WYSIWYG editor, no galleries, fancy plugins, or anything else.
Thanks in advance for your consideration! Y’all are the best! ]]>