via the plugin “Memphis Documents” (“Memphis Documents Library”) PDF files are uploaded in the wp-admin page. When uploading, each document is assigned one of the categories already created in WordPress. In addition, several freely selectable keywords are stored with each uploaded document. No errors seem to occur; Memphis Documents uploads the documents and offers two links via the “share” button: a link to the post created by Memphis Documents and a button for direct file download. Both links work.
On the WordPress website (i.e. not in the wp-admin view), you can see in the category dropdown filter that the document has been created in the correct category (specifically: I have a single document in the “Instructions” category and in the category filter, after “Instructions” it also says: (1)). But if I select the category, then the WordPress website shows me that there is no post for this category.
It is similar with the keywords. For example, I have stored the keyword “video conference” for a document. On the WordPress website this keyword is displayed correctly in the post of this document. But if I click on the keyword there (to show me all posts with this keyword), WordPress shows me there are no posts with this keyword.
Does anyone know how to configure the WordPress filters or “Memphis Documents Library” (“Memphis Documents”) so that the category filter or the keyword search show the posts correctly?
]]>Is it possible to reorder existing folders with all subfolders and uploaded files in it?
I would really need to rearrange my documents but I just couldn’t find any way to accomplish that. The ‘Batch Edit’ and ‘Batch Move’ functions are not listing the folders, only the individual files.
Thank you in advance.
]]>I have now uploaded over 600 documents in about 80 folders and love the plugin. The export function, however seems to have stopped working, it just spins for hours and never creates a zip file, even with the “Check this if you are having difficulty downloading the export file.” box checked.
Any ideas about how to find the problem and fix it?
Thanks, Peter
]]>I’ve installed the Memphis Docs plugin to handle our database of pdfs that we use.
WP and all plugins are at the latest versions (the site launched two weeks ago).
A few days ago, my users were complaining that they could no longer get to their to their documents – everything resulting in an error – the document could not be found.
Checking the uploads/mdocs dir – this directory was missing 99% of the files
what went wrong? Is there a log I can access to see if someone did something bad?
]]>Let’s say I have a pdf file named “XYZ”. I want to update this file, by using “Manage Versions” and also change it’s name to “XYZ-1”. So I do that. When I go check the source folder, my new file is there, with the new name. But in the mdocs list through wordpress dashboard it’s not there. And it does not show in the “manage versions” menu. Even when I try using “Batch edit” options to change the name of the file, it won’t work.
So I have to trick the system, by changing the new file name to the old name. That way my file is updated but it’s with the old name…which sucks..
I’ve had a similar problem weeks ago, and I fixed it by restoring a backup. But I don’t wanna do that again…is there a fix?
Thanks so far!
]]>When inserting a file name into a page or post with the short code button I find it cumbersome to have to scroll through all the file names to get to the “Insert short code button”. Any chance of adding a second button to the top of the file list, where the most recent files are found anyways?
Thanks, Peter
]]>I installed the front-end upload button and it works well. For some reason though after the upload is done, the page redirects to a non-existent page, essentially returning a 404 error.
The document upload works ok, it’s just annoying that you have to navigate back to reload the mdocs page every time. Any thoughts?
Thanks, Peter