I’m having issues while editing in the WordPress visual editor.
Each time that I switch between the HTML editor to the Visual Editor, many of the
are suddenly removed…
Which makes me lose the spaces that I have added and displays incorrectly.
I have tried to use the solution that I found in the forum and it isn’t working:
I used the php code found in that thread and tried to replace the
by the shortcode [nbsp]
. In order to do this, I added a code snippet with the code snippet plugin. It doesn’t work for me!
Please help! I searched on the net and haven’t found any solution yet…
Thank you!
]]>The plugin works well and has a lot of bells and whiles…
But, I am having issues with custom markup.
I’m adding HTML and CSS to the MCE editor and using the following plugin to preserve the code:
Otherwise, the MCE editor will add <p> tags and break the CSS.
This is working on products pages, but in the quick view pop-up, the <p> tags are added to the markup and break it.
Can anything be done to preserve the custom code in the pop up as well?
Thank you
]]>Currently, the PUM shortcode button only shows “Popup Cookie” when you’re on a custom post type. There is a filter you can hook into to make PUM shortcode fully functional on custom post types: pum_shortcode_post_types
Here is a generic version of my implemmentation (put it in your theme’s functions file):
/* Add full Popup Maker shortcode functionality to ustom post types */
function theme_name_product_pum_shortcode($pum_post_types) {
$pum_post_types[] = 'product'; // this is the WooCommerce Product post type
If you want to add to multiple, just add more lines like the above, using the appropriate post type names.
If you need to add to a lot of post types, you could make an array, and use array_merge.
return $pum_post_types;
add_filter('pum_shortcode_post_types', theme_name_product_pum_shortcode');
]]>I’m experiencing an issue regarding the “custom HTML” option inside WP Table Builder.
Once I added the following code:
<center><a href="#link" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><i class="logos sprite-freo-logo"></i></a></center>
and save the table the editor changes the code to;
<center><a href="#link" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" data-mce-href="#link"></a></center>
So, it looks like it erases the <i class="">
and changes it to data-mce-href
Are there people having the same issue or know how to solve this?
]]>When I integrate a shortcode in a divi “code” module, the MCE is loaded but when I want to interact with the module it disappears and then display the shortcode.
Have you ever experienced this ?
Many thanks,
have a good day !
Basically when you want to add an anchor the code is :<a id="XXX"></a>
But I would like to see :<a id="XXX" class="YYYYYYY"></a>
So I have seen this file : tinymce-advanced/mce/anchor/plugin.js
And I have tried to change this code :
if (isAnchor) {
selectedNode.id = id;
} else {
editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, editor.dom.createHTML('a', {
id: id,
IN :
if (isAnchor) {
selectedNode.id = id;
} else {
editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, editor.dom.createHTML('a', {
id: id,
But in vain
I have tried with only
or selectedNode.className = 'test';
But no…
I need help please !!
Thank you so much.
How can I get the HTML view back? More specifically, I’m trying to paste the HTML generated by the Amazon Associates program’s “image and text” option, but I don’t see a way to do it using the MCE.
I haven’t needed the HTML in the paste, so I’m not sure that it was ever there. Hopefully I’m just missing a checkbox somewhere in settings that will enable HTLM view in the MCE.
I’ve seen screenshots of editors with the HTML view button, so I think it’s possible to get it.
]]>I got contacted today by the owner of a WordPress site I Administer. He said that he wasn’t able to edit posts any more, as the edit window was empty. When I logged in to the site as him to test, I found the old familiar situation whereby the TinyMCE buttons don’t load above the edit window and, while it looks like the edit window is empty, it’s actually got the content there –just white text on a white background.
Now, there are a million posts about this on the internet and I ran through all the usual remedies:
* Update themes
* Clear cache
* Disable plugins
* Install Google Libraries plugin
* Add define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );
to wp-config
* Replace wp-includes'js/tinymce/
with a fresh copy.
None of which worked, when I logged in as the site user and tried to edit any of his posts.
However, whilst I was making the above changes [which required me logging into WP as the Administrator], I happened to open an edit window and found everything was working properly. I then upgraded the site owner’s role from Editor to Administrator and logged in as him and his edit window was restored in all its TinyMCE glory. When I changed his role back to Editor again and we were back to a blank editor again.
So I’m a bit baffled here, trying to figure out what can the root of the problem be? Obviously something has happened whereby the Editor user of the site no longer has the necessary privileges to load the visual editor. But how can this have happened and how do I resolve it?
This issue just developed today. However, I did do an upgrade of WordPress from 4,9,3 to 4,9,4 last week, so it seems that *something* went wrong there [This is the first time the owner has tried to use the edit window, since the upgrade]. But I’m not sure how I’d go about fixing the Editor user role so that it has access to TinyMCE again.
Any ideas?
]]>When I came back, I noticed that the Black studio TinyMCE Widget is saying “missing widget”. I tried deactivating and then reactivating it, but it’s still saying it’s missing.
I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal, so I tried to make a change on the page use that widget. WordPress displayed that “Page Updated” success message when I had hit “update” on the page; however, the changes will never appear on the actual website. I cannot add another one of these widgets because it’s not in the Widget Library in the Add Widget menu for the page.
I’ve never had this problem before. I’ve been using this widget to edit my pages on literally all of my websites for at least a year now and this is the first time it has caused any problems. Literally from the first time I started using this widget up until about 30 minutes ago when I got back home, it’s been problem-free until now.
What do do?