]]>For some reason my child theme style.css file does not seem to work as it should. Any changes I make to the child css does not affect my website. The theme I am using is a purchased theme called Maya Shop. This theme already had a child theme set-up. I also checked on how child themes are made to ensure I had the correct file types.
This is what my current styles.css file looks like in my maya-child folder.
Theme name: Maya Shop Child
Description: The start base for easy theme wordpress development.
Version: 2.6.0
Author: Your Inspiration Themes
Author URI:
License: GNU General Public License version 3.0
License URI:
Tags: black, red, white, light, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-width, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-background, custom-menu, editor-style, theme-options, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready
template: maya
@import url(“../maya/style.css”);
/* Below you can write your style */
#header {
background: url(‘’) no-repeat center;
background-size: 100%;
padding-bottom: 190px;
#nav {
position: absolute;
margin-top: 160px;
width: 100%;
#content {
margin-top: 30px;
I have been trying to troubleshoot this myself for a few days now, even looking on many forums, but with no luck. My main theme is located in the folder maya. My child theme is in the folder maya-child.
Here are things I have tried so far:
– Cleared browser cache.
– Made sure there are no cache related plugins.
– Tried the full import url address.
– Checked to see if the parent css file was changed due to changes on the child css. Nothing happened.
I really would appropriate any help.
Kind regards,
]]>1. Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘woocommerce_price_filter’ not found or invalid function name in /home4/island/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 192
2. Warning: array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home4/island/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-query.php on line 357
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I’m trying to upgrade my company’s outdated website to a modern, responsive website. I’ve used the theme MayaShop in the past on personal projects and absolutely love it. So I’ve recommended we use it for our new website.
The company I work for is a wholesale company. Which means that we don’t show prices on our website. It’s a website designed like a catalog with separate pages for each product, etc., but no prices.
What my company wants to do though is have the capability to “turn on” prices and purchasing down the road by the flip of a switch at any time.
And the MayaShop theme allows you to do just this.
Where I’m running into a problem is that once I turn the store on, the store is visible to EVERYONE.
MayaShop uses woocommerce, so I searched woocommerce’s forums and found out about the addon “Catalog Visibility Options,” which allows you to hide prices and the shopping cart and make both of these only visible to “registered” members. The problem is that anyone can become a registered member by logging in to the website in the top right corner.
After all that preamble here’s the gist of what we want:
A button or a link labeled “Dealer login here,” or “store login here,” that takes you to a login page where an approved user can login and see the store, or, if they’re not a registered user yet, have a form that requires the user to apply for access to the store portion of our website.
While I love the MayaShop theme, I don’t know if this is possible using MayaShop and Woocommerce.
Do any of you know of any themes/addons which will allow me to achieve this goal?
Here are some websites with the capabilities I’m looking for. They’re not super sexy or modern but they have the functionality I need.
Thank you so much,
]]>I have a clean installation of WP, which runs fine. But when I install the Mayashop theme (, I can’t no longer access the site – it times out.
I have made an xdebug log, and as you can see on my screenshot (, it seems like it’s some json-code which generate this issue.
The site is installed on a ubuntu server with nginx and php5-fpm.
I have another server with pretty much same setup, but here’s no problems with wp3.8 and the mayashop theme.
As soon as I select the standard theme again, it all works fine.
Does anyone have a clue on what might be wrong?
Just poke me, if you need additional information
Thanks in advance
]]>Problem: The “Add to Cart” button has disappeared.
Theme: Mayashop
ECommerce: WooCommerce
Sample Page:
These are the 2 errors on page that I can pick up;
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (jquery.cookie.min.js, line 0)
[Error] TypeError: ‘undefined’ is not a function (evaluating ‘e.cookie(“woocommerce_items_in_cart”)’)
(anonymous function) (cart-fragments.min.js, line 1)
c (jquery.js, line 3)
fireWith (jquery.js, line 3)
ready (jquery.js, line 3)
q (jquery.js, line 3)
Any help is greatly appreciated. Right now, our store is basically closed because of this error!
Thanks so much-