Does anyone know how to set Geo Mashup so that my Maps use this mode? Does switching off
street view suffice?
Thank You
We’d like to show a close range zoom for the Mashup (for example, focused on France), but, as we have stores all over the world, the whole world map is shown.
How could we give the mashup a closer zoom automatically?
Many thanks,
Vishal Parkash Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
A took some info, and apparently google have force HTTPS on image request.
Description of the issue :
Any fix ?
Thank you.
]]>1. Is there a way to display the location of a post in the template. I looked for shortcodes but it’s just not there. I’m afraid this is missing functionality but maybe I’m wrong. If not, that might be a request for future functionality. You see, my client lists in a map the coolest hotspots in Amsterdam, but clicking on a hotspot she desires to have the address and a little map of the hotspot displayed. I think it’s logic. But I can’t find the functionality.
2. Is there a way to alter the information given in the popup? Right now I see the post-title, the thumbnail and part of the content, and a continue-reading-link. I’d rather see the post-title, the address, the excerpt, and an continue-reading-link. Is that possible or should that, again, be a request for future functionality?
Looking forward to your answer,
Kees Alders, Klokwerk-design
]]>After debugging I found the problem in \js\site.js
Line 82: ‘if(google.loader.ClientLocation) {‘ appears to be incorrect
I have changed it into: ‘if(mashupInfo.centerClientLocation) {‘ and now all is working as expected.
Cees van Dongen
]]>This plugin is really easy to use and has many functions (thank you for adding clustering)
But yet I hesitate with the plugin Google Maps Basic placemarks: It is lighter but less easy.
In fact, it still lacks to your plugin a “mashup function ” to consolidate on a single map several markers from different maps.
Is it be possible later? (without burdening the plugin)
]]>I am having problems getting the mashup map to appear on my site. I am trying to list businesses from the selected category/term, on a map. The map is working on the individual business page, just having issues with the mashup.
Here is the code I am using:
if ( function_exists( 'pronamic_google_maps_mashup' ) ) {
'post_type' => 'business',
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'business-type',
'field' => 'id',
'terms' => $termid
) ,
'width' => 600,
'height' => 800,
'nopaging' => true
WHen I inspect the source code the canvas of the map is empty, but the hidden element “pgmm-info” displays the 3 items I am trying to display.
Any help is greatly appreciated.