The markers show, but how do i get the text in it?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml xmlns=""><Document><Placemark><name>Vertrekpunt</name><description>IJmeer, Waterland, Noord-Holland</description><Point><coordinates>5.100669,52.415713</coordinates></Point></Placemark><Placemark><name>Eindpunt</name><description>IJmeer, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland</description><Point><coordinates>5.058854,52.383934</coordinates></Point></Placemark><Placemark><name>MarinePlan Boat Route</name><Style><Style id="route"><LineStyle><color>ff0000ff</color><width>4</width></LineStyle></Style></Style><description>Route van IJmeer naar IJmeer op 03-10-2024, 15:41</description><styleUrl>#route</styleUrl><LineString><coordinates>5.100669,52.415713 5.108301,52.405237 5.105556,52.401736 5.103522,52.400169 5.092803,52.396345 5.082075,52.39252 5.071346,52.388695 5.060664,52.384662 5.058854,52.383934</coordinates></LineString></Placemark></Document></kml>
]]>in der aktuellen Plugin Version 2.2.241 werden die Geokoordinaten (Latitude/Longitude) anhand der Adresse ungenau berechnet, so dass im Frontend die Marker in der Karte von der eigentlichen Adresse abweichen. Mal sind es wenige hundert Meter, aber vereinzelt auch Kilometer. Wenn im Store-Eintrag die “Wegbeschreibung” angeklickt wird und man zu Google Maps weitergeleitet wird, wird bei Google der korrekte Standort der Adresse angezeigt. Wir haben recherchiert, ob es an ungew?hnlichen Angaben im Stra?ennamen oder dem Ort liegt, aber da ist keine Unstimmigkeit festzustellen, da auch bei einfachen Adressangaben die Berechnung der Geokoordinaten abweicht.
Suche PLZ “09120”; Umkreis “10 km”; Store “Stephan Gro?mann”
Adresse: Elsternwinkel 4, 09125 Chemnitz
Abweichung: ca. 600 Meter
Bei aktuell 1918 Store kann das nicht manuell geprüft werden und die Stores werden w?chentlich importiert.
Vorab vielen Dank für Ratschl?ge und Tipps zur Problembehebung.
]]>[geounit height=400 lat=49.80633818620792 lng=11.238094591353434 zoom=15 content=”Brücke bei Haag” markercolor=#21409a disablemarker=false][/geounit]
Was nach ich falsch?
]]>[Waymark marker_centre=”54.526814,-3.017289″]
[Waymark marker_centre=”54.52678,-3.007289″]
I expected, this would display one Waymark map with two markers. But it displays 2 maps.
How is the shortcode syntax for my usecase?
Is it possible to define maps and collections via shortcodes without using the Waymark editor?
]]>Is there a possibility to add a feature for the text written on the markers info window, so that the window auto-adjust its size based on the text length, to avoid scrolling ?
Thanks in advance for your reply
]]>On a website with 1000+ markers I have a performance issue.
When I have too many markers on my website, Google cannot crawl my website because it gets a 5xx Error from my server. I can reproduce that issue with Lighthouse. Opening the site in a webbrowser still works.
Reducing the number of markers solves this issue. But I would like to show even more markers.
I tried clustering, but it did not solve this 5xx error issue.
Do you have an idea how I can speed up the website using more than 1000 markers? I have read that I need to use canvas, but I have no clue how to do that.
Maybe the numer of shortcodes is too much. Do you know how to put all markers in one shortcode?
Thanks for your help!
Best regards