I’ve tried disabling all other plugins, increasing the php memory limit and clearing all cache, but no change.
I have a copy of the source code when it’s running, if that helps.
]]>But after few weeks, I tried to do an OWASP ZAP scan again on the site with activated WordFence Free. The result was the SQL injection and Path Traversal high vulns appeared in the OWASP ZAP result. I tried to manually refresh rules of the WordFence Free Firewall. Then I did another OWASP ZAP scan, there were no SQL injection and Path Traversal appeared because WordFence is blocking the OWASP. Then after 2 days, I tried again the OWASP Scan, there was SQL injection and Path Traversal appeared in the result of OWASP.
Why is there no consistency of the WordFence blocking the simulated attacks of OWASP ZAP scan? Is it because the WordFence is free?
]]>@wfgerald @wfsupport @wfmattr?
I got an error message saying “Scan Stage Failed: A scan stage has failed to start. This is often because the site either cannot make outbound requests or is blocked from connecting to itself. Wordfence will make up to 2 attempts to resume each failed scan stage. This scan may recover If one of these attempts is successful. Click here for steps you can try. “
I tried various options in the diagnostics, such as Enable debugging mode or Start all scans remotely. Nothing works. Please help me to solve this problem.
]]>Error messages, (tried twice) Stage “get_modiles_hashes” and Stage “get_cms_hashes”
Please confirm action to be taken. Site is at https://www.northampton-business-directory.com/
Have I misinterpreted something here? And can I be sure of the scan frequency when and if I buy the plugin?
Happy for any light you can shed on this to make it clear to me.