I’m a great fan of make_clickable(). So it grieves me to report that it breaks on the following real, live URL:
Why is this? I think it would be great if this could be remedied. In the meantime, does anyone know a workaround?
]]>In short, in the twitter digest output, certain URLs, especially picture URLS, are getting cut off and made dysfunctional. For example, an url that in the original tweet, on Twitter, is “https://t.co/4W4rysT0Iw” is rendered as “https://t.co…/” I’ve noticed another blog uses Twitter Digest that also occasionally has URL-rendering problems, though not with as great a frequency as on my results so far.
I notice comment on line 364 of twitter-digest.php, in the function ws_make_clickable: ” // make_clickable doesn’t handle (url) very well, so we’ll chuck some spaces in.” Doesn’t give me a whole lot of confidence in what follows, and I wonder if it’s the problem. So, it looks like I’ll have to research preg_replace and REGEX to see what the intention was and whether this is, indeed, the source of the problem, unless the developer is monitoring this thread actively and can provide a better suggestions (this could be completely of base, for all I know at this point).
I have some other suggestions for further developing the plug-in, but I’ll leave things at this for now, and maybe leave a note
]]>On the blog I want users to be able to post hyperlinks in the comment section, but their links are not converting into code so the links aren’t clickable. You can see this here:
I have tried every plugin in imaginable : Auto-hyperlink URLs, Autolink URI, Automatic Links, External related links, just to name a few. I also have the make_clickable () function in my formatting.php, but so far nothing is working to make these commenter’s links actually clickable and link to an external website. Do I need to edit my formatting.php or functions.php files?
Here is the make_clickable () function:
function _make_url_clickable_cb($matches) {
$url = $matches[2];
$url = esc_url($url);
if ( empty($url) )
return $matches[0];
return $matches[1] . "<a href=\"$url\" rel=\"nofollow\">$url</a>";
Not sure what’s going on, I hope someone can help, thanks
]]>I wondered why the links in my comments wouldn’t display right. I had something to do with the Click Counter plugin I’m using. It’s documented that it won’t work if you have tags with single quotes surrounding the URL in stead of double quotes.
I found out that when there is just a URL in a comment, that make_clickable will add a tag around it. Unfortunately this uses single quites for tags to URL’s. Wouldn’t it be wise to change this to double quotes?
I’m not sure if single quotes are even w3c compliant.