If we could have the main menu fully expanded when the page loads, that’s what we’re looking for as there are 3-4 levels deep of sub-menu items.
We have the DIVI theme, so I’m looking into possibly having the main menu as a module…just need to figure out how to fully expand it.
In desktop version, that’s perfect to show the switcher in menu and switch between two languages. Unfortunately, in mobile version, I can see the “Language” text at switcher and nothing can switch.
On the other hand, I typed the exact URL in mobile > https://www.xxx.com/en (second language), we can browse the English content but the Menu menu is showing first language.
Please advise
Justin Yuen
The main menu items for our shop (Woocommerce) aren’t pulling in all products, just a handful. We’re having the same issue for Active Filters – only a handful of products are showing on the front end. You can see our shop here: [ redundant link removed ]
For example, under the $0-$500 product category, in the attributes in the backend I can see there are about 200 artworks listed, but only 6 products show up on the frontend when you select the filter/ select from the menu. Also, for some of the filters the pagination disappears, so you get stuck on the first page.
I’ve tried clearing the cache, fiddling with the WooCommerce under >Status > Tools, but nothing seems to work. I haven’t changed any settings recently and WooCommerce/ our theme doesn’t need updating. I’m just wondering why the front / back end aren’t speaking to each other. Any help would be much appreciated.
Even though I have specified a height value of 2,000px (which cannot be physically displayed) for ul#primary-menu ul.sub-menu
in CSS, the height of the outer border of the drop-down menu is fixed and cannot be expanded.
When I add overflow-y to CSS, it allows scrolling within the menu but makes it difficult to manipulate the submenus.
I don’t care how long the scroll to vertical is as long as the display on a smart phone.
How can I make all menus visible?
Magbook version 1.2.7
ich konnte fast alle Farben anpassen. Aber nicht den Hover-Effekt des Hauptmenüs.
Wo und wie kann ich den Farbton hierfür denn ?ndern?
Bisher ist es schwarz und wenn man auf einen Menüpunkt geht wird es blau. Ich m?chte aber dass es Orange-Gelb wird, dem CD angepasst.
Habe ein Neve Child theme installiert. Leider keine Ahnung wo ich das CSS dazu finde und wie ich dort ?nderungen vornehmen kann. Vielleicht hat hier jemand die Geduld das absolutem Laien zu erkl?ren? Ich w?re sehr dankbar.
Danke vorab!
]]>Disabling the menu-image plugin fixes the issue immediately.
the Calculated css for the element in question:
[Activated]: position: 0 [Bad]
[Deactivated]: position: 47.33 [Good]
style.css for my divi theme is v5.3.2:14
Any help is greatly appreciated, Thank you!