The events page is a primary menu and a page.
please can u explain what is happening?
thank you,
g. grandma
why is the sup-page destroying main-page layout?
After connecting a sub-page to a main-page the shortcodes appear as text and the layout is gone.
I do it this way:
> Admin > Pages (sub) > Attributes > choosing parent!
Checking sub: fine
Checking main: broken layout: shortcodes became part of the visible text.
Un-connecting sub from main = main is fine again.
Question & demand:
> What I am doing wrong? What I don′t understand?
> Want to have simple dropdown-menu based on pages.
]]>OH & i wasn’t sure what version I had either
]]>im building some navigation an need a loop for that …
i think that a good option would be to use the wp_query loop …
linke this kinda
(<?php $page_query = new WP_Query(‘post_type=page’); ?>
<?php while ($page_query->have_posts()) : $page_query->the_post(); ?>)
but i dont know how to put it that i only get MAIN PAGES?
any ideas
thanks so far